7 Messages
Faster upload speed
I recently got an email from Xfinity stating that if I upgraded to a 3.1 DOCSIS modem, I would get faster upload speeds. I’m already using a Motorola MB 8600 which is a 32×8 DOCSIS 3.1 modem capable of this faster speed already. How do I get the faster upload speed?
7 Messages
6 months ago
I just checked the email. I am supposed to get 100 Mbps upload speeds
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
6 months ago
The MB8600 is not approved for the new higher upload speeds. See:
And especially see the "All Compatible Devices" link near the bottom of https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices (at the moment it points to https://assets.xfinity.com/assets/dotcom/projects/cix-4997_compatible-devices/2024.06.26%20Full%20List%20of%20Compatible%20Devices.pdf, but this changes from time to time).
Realize that although Comcast calls some devices "Compatible" and some "Recommended", for all but a few devices those designations only mean "compatible/recommended for use with their Internet service", and not necessarily approved for the new upload speeds.
You need one of Comcast's newer rental gateways (XB6, XB7, XB8) or one of the few retail devices shown in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" group with an upload speed rating in the "All Compatible Devices" PDF. Also see the Reddit link, which lists the approved devices as well as other requirements for faster upload speeds. Comcast could make all of this much clearer, but they have chosen not to do so.
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7 Messages
5 months ago
I certainly understand that they have these “approved” and “recommended” devices but it still doesn’t explain why. If my device is capable of up to 1gbps upload speed because it conforms to the DOCSIS 3.1 standard, why do they choose which devices they will allow to have a higher upload speed? I am not looking for 1 gbps upload speed, just the 100 mbps that my device and their network is capable of.
107.6K Messages
5 months ago
FWIW, it's not just a matter of a modem "conforming to the "DOCSIS 3.1 standard. The modem has to support (hardware-wise and firmware-wise) their new "mid split" system to be able to deliver their Next Generation speeds properly. Google for 'Comcast mid-split' for more info. And if it's not supported it will default to using an even slower speed configuration file.
107.6K Messages
5 months ago
I'm not sure. I'm not an employee. Comcast is not very transparent about a lot of things..... You'll likely have to get an employee who knows how to reprovision the modem and the data in their backend database.