

168 Messages

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 5:06 PM


Event Type Codes

@EG - What do you know about the "Event Type Codes"? For example Code 16 and Code 24? The reason I ask is - at the same time I got these log entries I also got hundreds of Corrected & Uncorrected errors, all came today at the same 09:13am minute.

Wed Feb 14 2024
  Notice (6)   CM-STATUS message sent. Event Type Code: 16; Chan ID: 33; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM/OFDMA Profile ID: 3.;CM-MAC=removed;CMTS-MAC=removed;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Wed Feb 14 2024
  Notice (6)   CM-STATUS message sent. Event Type Code: 24; Chan ID: 33; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM/OFDMA Profile ID: 3.;CM-MAC=removed;CMTS-MAC=removed;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
 System Up Time 0 days 20h:33m:24s
   Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected
   1 Locked QAM256 17 489.0 -0.2 43.1 623 254
   2 Locked QAM256 1 387.0 -1.0 42.5 624 250
   3 Locked QAM256 2 393.0 -0.6 42.7 574 270
   4 Locked QAM256 3 399.0 -0.5 42.9 492 286
   5 Locked QAM256 4 405.0 -1.3 42.2 553 271
   6 Locked QAM256 5 411.0 -0.8 42.8 494 268
   7 Locked QAM256 6 417.0 -1.1 42.5 569 302
   8 Locked QAM256 7 423.0 -1.7 42.3 602 312
   9 Locked QAM256 8 435.0 -1.3 42.6 504 257
   10 Locked QAM256 9 441.0 -1.7 42.4 522 263
   11 Locked QAM256 10 447.0 -0.8 43.1 472 256
   12 Locked QAM256 11 453.0 -1.2 42.6 490 264
   13 Locked QAM256 12 459.0 -0.9 42.8 496 227
   14 Locked QAM256 13 465.0 -0.4 43.4 456 243
   15 Locked QAM256 14 471.0 -1.0 42.7 462 285
   16 Locked QAM256 15 477.0 -0.3 43.1 442 179
   17 Locked QAM256 16 483.0 0.4 43.6 468 198
   18 Locked QAM256 18 495.0 0.3 43.5 667 239
   19 Locked QAM256 19 507.0 -0.1 43.3 1048 412
   20 Locked QAM256 20 513.0 0.4 43.7 832 334
   21 Locked QAM256 21 519.0 0.1 43.6 670 423
   22 Locked QAM256 22 525.0 -0.3 43.3 640 271
   23 Locked QAM256 23 531.0 0.3 43.6 501 173
   24 Locked QAM256 24 537.0 -0.2 43.4 456 55
   25 Locked QAM256 25 543.0 -0.5 43.1 497 230
   26 Locked QAM256 26 549.0 -0.2 43.5 475 88
   27 Locked QAM256 27 555.0 -0.6 42.6 503 116
   28 Locked QAM256 28 561.0 -0.6 42.8 655 129
   29 Locked QAM256 29 567.0 -0.8 43.0 726 150
   30 Locked QAM256 30 573.0 -1.2 42.8 665 189
   31 Locked QAM256 31 579.0 -1.2 42.9 757 187
   32 Locked OFDM PLC 33 690.0 -1.5 42.2 1280542311 79

Accepted Solution



107.7K Messages

11 months ago

Those notices (16 and 24) are for the OFDM channel, and a small amount is OK. Event type code 16, is the "Notice" of a loss of the FEC (Forward Error Correction) lock for an OFDM profile, and event type code 24 is the FEC recovery on that profile.

The CMTS (Cable Modem Termination System) can be configured with multiple OFDM profiles which have different modulation schemes applied to the OFDM subcarriers. When the CMTS gets the code 16 event, it can dynamically downgrade the active profile for that cable modem.

If you're seeing this constantly I'd suspect your Downstream OFDM channel might be marginal. But, since OFDM can have such an insane modulation order at higher profiles, this can have no noticeable effect on your normal usage. If you aren't suffering any packet-loss or issues with downstream throughput, I wouldn't be too concerned.


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