Monday, September 2nd, 2024 1:40 AM

Ethernet cable stopped working. Unidentified network after I factory reset my modem

I factory reset my gateway because someone on a forum said it fixed their nanoleaf light connection and I was having trouble with mine. But when it finished resetting my Ethernet connection has been stuck on unidentified network. I need help getting my settings fixed thank you

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1.9K Messages

5 months ago



Thank you for reaching out and creating a new post. I also appreciate you being proactive by searching the forums for help. This is truly a great place to get assistance and tips for customers, employees, and experts. That said, you've come to the right place. 

After the factory reset, you'll need to set up your network once again on the Xfinity App. Did you already complete this after the reset? Are you connecting a PC or laptop directly to the gateway, or are you using a third-party router along with your gateway? 


4 Messages

Yes I believe I have reset up my network on the app. I changed the name back to what I wanted and I’m able to connect via wifi with everything that I normally can, but my Ethernet isn’t working. I’m connecting a PC directly to the gateway. No third party router! Thank you for your response 

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Please help @XfinityVianney 

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1.9K Messages

@user_pvxk6z  I will certainly do my best to help. It's undoubtedly strange that only the ethernet connection failed after the reset. Have you tried swapping the cord or trying another port? 

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@XfinityVianney​ I have now tried two different Ethernets on various ports and there is no difference. I’m extremely confused at this point :/ I’ve tried command prompts, full windows reset, full gateway unplug and wait 5 mins before plugging in again, I’ve uninstalled network drivers. Nothing is working. All this after I held the button on the back of the gateway until factory reset

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user_pvxk6z, Thanks for providing these details and for your patience while waiting for a response as we are available over our forums page 7 days a week between 6:00 am - 12:00 am EST. I can definitely understand the inconvenience that this has caused you with no difference after trying two different ethernet ports and that factory reset. Thanks for working with us on this. When you say you have tried two different ethernets on various ports did you mean you tried two different ethernet cords specifically? In addition, do yo have another device you can try hardwired to see if you experience the same issue? 


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