1 Message
Does Xfinity Xfi support DDNS?
I'm considering establishing a VPN for remote logins while away from home to various servers that I maintain on my home's LAN. One of the things I would need is either a stable (constant) home IP address that doesn't change frequently, or a router that supports DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server), wherein I would register a domain with a service, and set up the router to provide the IP address to that domain name server.
I was wondering if the XFi internet service, which I'm enrolled in, supports this feature. I didn't see anything around DDNS in the advanced internet setup on the Xfinity app, so I'm asking here.
If DDNS won't work, do you have any other suggestions about how to accomplish what I'm aiming to do - have access to selected servers in my home network while I'm away from home.
Problem Solver
770 Messages
2 years ago
Hello @user_aac96b, the only way to use DDNS with our equipment and service would be with a Comcast Business Account, or through a 3rd party DDNS company. There may be some other ways, however, nothing we would be aware of, and maybe the community could help provide some additional insight?
1 Message
2 years ago
I Have a 3rd Party Dyns service on my second router behind my xfinity one and my host name only directs me to my static ip of my second router not my ip address of xfinity and I can not access it remotely
any suggestions?
1 Message
2 years ago
I have and have a script that I can likely jurryrig to run periodically. Problem is I still cannot ssh into a server I am running on my home network. The server is physically connected via cat5 to the router. I have my router opening everything up but still cannot remotely log in but am successfully able to log in using localhost. Anyone able to help me get past this step?