3 Messages
DOCSIS3.1 Motorola MB6811 swapped for Xfinity modem and now speeds are capped
I recently put in service my own Motorola MB8611 which is on the list of approved modems for my plan. As soon as I connected it and checked the connectino speed on a wired desktop I showed a maximum of 720Mbps Down and 5.71Mbps up. On the previous day I got 900Mbps down / 240Mbps up on the Xfinity modem. Two hours using chat trying to troubleshoot, 90% of the time with some automated canned messages about how my issue was the top priority and the same questions being asked and the answer was, the problem is with my equipment. I shouldn't be surprised to get inferior service when you bring your own device which has the same capabilities as theirs. Has anyone gotten the internet speeds they are supposed to get with their own equipment?
68 Messages
6 months ago
Unfortunately, the MB8611 modem does not qualify for the 'Next Gen Speed Tier'. In order to get upload speeds greater than 40 Mbps, you will either need to get the Xfinity supplied modem - yuck!, or a next gen modem on the approved list - see link below.
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
6 months ago
As stated above, only one of the few retail devices in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" group will be able to operate at the new upload speeds, and the MB8611 is not on that list.
Comcast accepted a few retail modems for use with their new upload speeds a year ago, but they haven't bothered to include specifics about this on any of their web pages I'm aware of. Instead, you have to refer to the "All Compatible Devices" PDF link near the bottom of https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices (at the moment it points to https://assets.xfinity.com/assets/dotcom/projects/cix-4997_compatible-devices/2024.06.26%20Full%20List%20of%20Compatible%20Devices.pdf, but this changes from time to time).
And to understand that PDF, oddly, you have to refer to a Reddit page:
which lists compatible devices as well as other requirements for faster upload speeds.
The manufacturer's speed ratings hardly matter if Comcast doesn't configure the modem to operate at those speeds.
Realize that although Comcast's PDF calls some devices "Compatible" and some "Recommended", for all but a few devices those designations only mean "compatible/recommended for use with their Internet service", and not necessarily approved for your plan speed or for the new upload speeds.
Comcast could make all of this much clearer, but they have chosen not to do so. Why, a year later, aren't the upload information and the other requirements shown right there where it belongs on the Devices page? Why do we have to go chasing over to a Reddit page they don't even provide a link to? No idea . . .
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3 Messages
6 months ago
As I stated above, none of the approved modems on their list say "limited to whatever comcast/xFinity wants to do." I do not get the upload or download speed advertised with a retail modem. My point is, Comcast decides what will and what will not work on their network. I don't ever remember that a telecommunications company decided if your phone would work on their dial up network. You could get a phone from Radio Shack, and it would work. Now, because they can detect what model you are using, they decide who gets good service and who doesn't, then say, well, it's not on this list.
Also, as I stated in my original post, 6Mpbs upload is not a new upload tear, it's barely keeping up with the times. Also, 1200 is not a new upload tier achieved only with their equipment which has the same modem capabilities as what I purchased. It does come with an inferior WIFI router than I already have. Thanks for explaining away Comcast talking points.