2 Messages
Disabling WiFi Radios Completely on a Cisco Model DPC3941T Gateway
This question/request is for a Xfinity support agent who specializes in home Wifi. I first sign up with Xfinity Internet Essentials in 2018 and was loaned the Cisco Model DPC3941T Gateway and I did everything on my end to disable the radios (bridge mode enabled and disabled) and still the radios were broadcasting and the light continued flashing. Calling Xfinity support was unsuccessful until I was transferred to a supervisor or higher and he was able to turn the radios off completely (the lights stopped flashing 24/7) and didn't start flashing again if my memory serves me until months later when there was a modem update and then I had to repeat the process all over again ☹. A couple days ago I made the HUGE mistake of enabling the radios in the modem gateway so I could use WiFi for an hour thinking I'd be able to turn them off but NO! I should have learned my lesson from past experience that with the Cisco Model DPC3941T Gateway only an agent with advanced tools will be able to turn the radios completely off. The lower level agents have always been unsuccessful turning the radios off and it's a waste of time asking for their support. They will say that the WiFi has been disabled (and the gateway indicates WiFi disabled) but the radios continue broadcasting frequencies and the lights are flashing and I can detect the frequencies emitting with my Cornet Electrosmog frequency meter. I trust that Xfinity support knows who I am and where I'm located and can apply the necessary fix. I'll NEVER ENABLE WIFI IN THE Cisco Model DPC3941T Gateway AGAIN!
I'm aware there are gateways that are compatible with Xfinity that with a push of a button on the front panel the WiFi radios can be turned off or on and I'm seriously thinking of buying one so that if I need to use WiFi for 30 minutes or an hour once or twice a month I'll be able to do it with a simple push of a button and when I'm done I'll push the button again and the radios will completely turn off.
35 Messages
5 months ago
There's always the Faraday bags, put it over the gateway and take it off when you want WiFi. The rental gateways have always had the "problem" of radios being re-enabled at the drop of a hat.
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
5 months ago
2 Messages
5 months ago
There's a flaw inherent in the Cisco Model DPC3941T Gateway which makes disabling WiFi nearly impossible (one needs an Xfinity decoder ring and secret password😁) so I purchased a Netgear AC1750 Model C6300v2 modem/gateway (something I should have done years ago) and disabling/enabeling WiFi is as easy a pushing a button located on the front panel. Most Xfinity customers want WiFi enabled 24/7 but some customers like myself only need WiFi enabled for brief periods to update our smartphones or tablets otherwise we have no need for WiFi.