

51 Messages

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 2:35 AM


Connection Dropping

While gaming and being on Discord my connection seems to drop multiple times a night. Sometimes it's fine for a few hours sometimes it drops constantly. This has been happening for a few weeks. I have a new router that was provided after upgrading plans. Seems like a lot of people are having similar issues



108.8K Messages

9 months ago

Is this with a WiFi connection ? If so, as a test, does a computer / device that is hardwired directly to the router / gateway device with an ethernet cable have the same problem ?

With this test, we are trying to isolate this down to being either a WiFi-only problem or a problem with the general connection to the Comcast system which would of course affect both. It's a good first step in troubleshooting before proceeding any further. 



51 Messages

This happens on both Ethernet connected devices and Wi-Fi connected devices 




108.8K Messages

9 months ago

OK. What do the modem's signal stats look like ? Try getting them here; or here 

Please copy all of the text in its entirety of the *Downstream Power Levels*, the *SNR's* (Signal to Noise Ratios), and the *Upstream Power Level* numbers and paste them into your next post.



51 Messages

I'll post them as soon as I'm able



51 Messages

Downstream Power Levels

2.6 dBmV
2.3 dBmV
2.4 dBmV
2.5 dBmV
2.5 dBmV
2.7 dBmV
2.6 dBmV
2.6 dBmV
2.5 dBmV
2.6 dBmV
2.5 dBmV
2.4 dBmV
2.3 dBmV
2.0 dBmV
1.8 dBmV
1.9 dBmV
2.0 dBmV
2.0 dBmV
2.0 dBmV
2.6 dBmV
2.4 dBmV
2.3 dBmV
2.3 dBmV
2.8 dBmV
2.8 dBmV
2.8 dBmV
2.7 dBmV
3.1 dBmV
3.1 dBmV
2.9 dBmV
2.9 dBmV
0.9 dBmV


42.9 dB
43.2 dB
43.0 dB
43.2 dB
42.9 dB
43.0 dB
42.7 dB
42.7 dB
42.6 dB
42.4 dB
42.4 dB
42.2 dB
42.0 dB
42.0 dB
41.8 dB
41.8 dB
41.8 dB
41.6 dB
41.6 dB
43.4 dB
43.4 dB
43.2 dB
43.2 dB
43.7 dB
43.0 dB
43.0 dB
43.3 dB
44.1 dB
44.0 dB
43.8 dB
43.7 dB
39.8 dB

Upstream Power Levels
45.5 dBmV
46.3 dBmV
46.3 dBmV
46.3 dBmV
46.0 dBmV
44.0 dBmV



51 Messages

9 months ago

If it helps I've noticed that downloads are very inconsistent. It'll be fast, then slow then completely stop then work it's way up and down between being really fast to really slow



108.8K Messages

9 months ago

The signal stats were o/k at that snapshot in time. Are there any modem RF error log entries being shown ? If so, please post them as well in their entirety (copy and paste them, don't post a screenshot) but redact the CM MAC and the CMTS MAC addresses for your privacy. They are considered to be personal information. The posting of personally identifying information is a violation of their forum guidelines. The forum bot will not allow your post to be seen publicly.




51 Messages

I'm not sure where the RF error logs would be, I spoke with an agent who sent signals and attempted a repair. I have technician coming out on Saturday if whatever they did didn't resolve my issues



51 Messages

9 months ago

Ran a pingplotter and there is a specific IP that is giving a lot of packet loss and the agent I'm talking to thinks that a tech will be able to fix it at my house when it is clearly a server issue




51 Messages

9 months ago

Still experiencing high packet loss after "network maintenance" was supposed to solve my issue. I had a technician visit scheduled that they canceled so know I have to wait even longer to get it fixed. Also experiencing very inconsistent upload and download despite getting 114% of my data speed

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Bad packet loss

Official Employee


1.8K Messages


Xantoszz12 Thank you for those details. I see how frustrating that would be and would like to take a closer look at your internet connection to see how we can best help resolve this. To get started, please send our team a Direct Message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account. 
To send a "Direct Message" message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "Direct Messaging" icon at the top of the page (looks like a text bubble)
Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list that appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it


I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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51 Messages

I've messaged about this issue multiple times and I'm very hesitant to set up any service tech visits because you guys prematurely canceled my previous one 



51 Messages

9 months ago

There are server issues but apparently they aren't authorized to put in tickets 



51 Messages

9 months ago

be-32221-cs22.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net shows 80-90% packet loss constantly. I have a new router, internet connection is fine. This is the only server that shows as any real packet loss. Would be nice to have a fully functioning network again

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Packet Loss

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

We will stay in touch after the tech appointment.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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51 Messages

the tech appointment has nothing to do with a server that is in Chicago



51 Messages

you guys have also sent me several messages asking me if I wanted to cancel since I do have an internet connection



51 Messages

9 months ago

It's actually insane that they have no way to identify server/network issues other than having a tech come out to your house and start from there. Multiple people have been having this issue since the network upgrade. When I've brought up my issues and concerns I get told that a tech will have to put in a ticket when they come out, assuming they don't just automatically cancel the visit because the network appears to work fine on their end



51 Messages

8 months ago

So I'm making a post again in hopes that something will finally be done. I have talked to various people within Xfinity and no one can seem to find what the issue is. According to everyone I've talked to my connection is fine, but I experience high latency and extreme packet loss multiple times a day. The tech that came out said that nothing was wrong with the modem and that all the upstream and downstream power levels were within spec. This is happening on Ethernet and Wireless devices. I don't have time for another tech visit, and if there is nothing wrong at my house, as multiple tests have indicated, then they will come to the same conclusion and nothing will be done still. I get that their SOP is getting a tech out to see what is going on, but seeing how that was pointless the first time I'm not going to waste my time again unless something indicates an issue on my end. They pulled event logs and confirmed that I never lost signal and that everything was ok with their signal. Seeing how a lot of people on this forum are also having this same issue hopefully something is done about it soon. This has been going on since the beginning of April and shows no signs of improvement.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Internet Issue



51 Messages

8 months ago

So I just had a tech come out about the issues I've been having, he said that something in the box that connects your house to Xfinity is more than likely the issue. I believe they were some sort of clip that transfers the signal into your house. While it shows Xfinity that you're receiving a "good signal" that doesn't always transfer to your modem correctly. Having them come out and fix it at some point in the future and will come back here if that ends up being the fix

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Possible solution to issues

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Thank you for the update about the packet loss, Xantoszz12. I checked on your account and a maintenance ticket was put in for our area team to look into this and perform possible repairs. Our team can continue checking on that for you so you know when it is completed. We can then check your service and see if we need to take further steps at that point. As I see more information, I will be replying again in our Direct Messages. This type of order is usually completed within 72 hours. 

Here are the steps to send us a Direct Message in case you need that again.

• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send your message

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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51 Messages

Ok cool, like I said I'll come back and post to let people know what worked for me so they can ask their tech to look into it as well

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Sounds like a plan, Xantoszz12! We appreciate you keeping this updated so others can learn from this situation as well.

As a reminder, please do not create new posts for the same issue, rather reply to your original post here as it is a violation of the Xfinity Forums Guidelines. It makes it easier for us to help you and also for our community to get public help if we keep this same issue and the steps taken in the same post. Thank you for your understanding!

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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2 Messages

4 months ago

Did you issue ever get fixed?  You last comment indicated you would post the fix here.  I'm experiencing the same thing - intermittent drops throughout the day... super frustrating.



108.8K Messages

4 months ago


Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. The original poster has not returned. 5-month-old dead thread is now being closed.

For future reference, it is better to submit your own post as it creates a ticket to get help, and posting on someone else's older thread can delay getting help.

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