Saturday, January 25th, 2025 10:43 PM

Connection dropping 3-4 times an hour, massive packet loss and unfocused customer support.

Never mind it is easier and faster to get a different service provider than it is to get an issue fixed.

Support has been more focused on trying to sell me stuff rather than fix my issue. So I am coming here to see if any actual help can happen. For the last 48 hours or so I have been experiencing a loss in connection for about 30 seconds 3 to 4 times every hour. This was happening on both wired and wireless connections. As the modem/router was old I replaced it in store. After getting setup with a fresh coax cable the issue kept happening. Support tried some "advance signals" nonsense to no success.

Using tools such as pingplotter I am seeing massive packet loss to be-306-arsc1.saltlakecity.ut.utah.comcast.net(~75% loss) and be-501-ar01.saltlakecity.ut.utah.comcast.net (~50% loss) constantly all spike up to 100% when connection drops. While I suspect it is a routing issue I cannot really do anything about that. However I am willing to try other options to diagnose and solve issue.  Below is a screen shot of what I am experiencing. 

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