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Connecting to Modem with Ethernet cable directly to my PC....can this be done or do I need a router?
Not very tech savvie. Have Comcast voice & date modem for home. Use for wifi connection to PCs and printer and fo telephone. Have to work at home. Need to hard wire my PC. Can't use wifi. Can I plug Ethernet cable directly from my PC to the Comcast voice and data modem or do I need to adda router??? I don't want to do anything until I can be sure. Calling Comcast directly has been a lost cause. Can anyone please advise? Thank you.
108.6K Messages
5 years ago
If that's a combination cable modem / WiFi / router gateway device, then yes, you just plug the computer into one of the ethernet ports.
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago