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2 Messages
Connecting to an XFINITY hotspot through a wifi repeater
I have an airplane hangar (not near my home) and I have a laptop, iPhone, iPad, wifi camera, etc. inside. I currently use a mifi device that is less than ideal because of a poor quality LTE signal in the area. There is an outdoor Xfinity wifi hotspot about 400’ away. Unfortunately there is a metal building in the way so I can only connect to the hotspot if I am on the roof. I recently discovered a new device called a CC Vector Extended Long Range WiFi Receiver System. It has a directional antenna that you put on the roof and point it at a wifi signal or hotspot. A cable goes down into the building to a device that amplifies and repeats the wifi signal. It actually creates its own network on and also includes two ethernet ports in addition to the wifi signal.
When I connect the wifi on my phone to the CC Vector, a web page opens up on that shows a menu of the wifi signals it finds, organized by signal strength. I can select the XFINITY secure hotspot, which is the strongest signal. It then only gives me the opportunity to input a passphrase. This doesn’t work because secure XFINITY hotspots require your Xfinity username also.
There are advanced connection features on the CC Vector but I don’t know how to set them up. I called the manufacturer and they don’t know either; their software was written by a third party and they don’t know anything about the advanced features. Most people just use the product to extend their home WiFi signal to a distant outbuilding.
On the web page, if I select “Edit profile” on XFINITY, I can change the encryption type from WPA2 to WPA2-EAP. There are other types also. When I do that I am prompted to enter information into some data fields related to the profile certificate and this is where I get stuck. Specifically they are asking for EAP method, Path to CA-certificate, Path to Client-certificate, Path to Private Key, Password of Private Key, Identity, and Anonymous Identity. I have no idea how to specify a path to a certificate on an Apple product, but I think it would work if I could come up with this information.
Are there any experts on WiFi hotspot profile and certificates?
Accepted Solution
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2 Messages
5 years ago
So can someone tell me if what I am trying to do is even possible? It seems to me like it should be possible, but so far everything I have tried has failed. I can connect to xfinitywifi or Cablewifi but they time out after 5 minutes, so that won't work. I really need to connect to the secure XFINITY hotspot.
2 Messages
4 years ago
Did you ever come up with a solution to your issue? I am attempting to connect a wifi extender as well, but I am not seeing the XFINITY Hot spots. I'm on my boat and last Fall I was able to see and connect to xfinitywifi hotspots with the extender, but when I came down and tried this Spring, I no longer see any 'xfinitywifi' networks.
108.9K Messages
4 years ago
Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. 8 month old dead thread now being closed.