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3 Messages

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 3:00 PM


Connected to a neighbor's internet service

Have a wierd issue that started yesterday where we are now connected to a neighbor's internet. Tried calling customer support but didn't get any meaningful help. After getting bounced around customer support, customer security assurance and internet technial help, the only thing that came out of it was have a ticket opened with no resolution or path to a resolution. Did the same troubleshooting steps as usual, reset the modem, disconnect and reconnect the modem, run diagnostics, etc. even though I told them we are able to connect to the internet without a modem or a router. We are able to get to the internet with just an moca adapter and AP. When I try to reach my gateway(, I land on the xfinity gateway login page where I see some devices that belong to us and some that don't. Before yesterday our setup was personal modem, router, a couple of personal moca adapters and AP.


Anybody able to help with the issue.

Accepted Solution



393 Messages

4 years ago

Do you know if you have a moca filter on your line?  It sounds like neither you nor the neighbors do.


New Poster


3 Messages

4 years ago

Thanks for reply. Where would that moca filter be installed? I don't see anything outside the house where the comcast cable is connected to my house coaxial cable. Is that where it would be if one was installed?



393 Messages

4 years ago

That would seem like the right place for it to be.



105.7K Messages

4 years ago

Yep. The demarc point / grounding block is the typical and proper place for them to be installed, but sometimes they get installed at the tap on the pedestal or the pole.

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3 Messages

4 years ago

Thank you both for that info. Appreicate the quick response. I have been talking to comcast tech support including advanced tech support but it appears they have no idea what I am talking about or what a moca filter is. Tech support keeps asking me to call Netgear because it could be a problem with the modem even after I repeatedly tell them that I don't need a modem to get internet access and the problem was probably due to a missing poe filter. Do any comcast employees monitor these forums and can help me get this resolved.

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

Having the exact same issue.  Neighbor had XFi installed over the weekend and now our routers and networks have "merged."  I have a tech coming out to the house today and hoping they will be able to install a MoCA filter or something else to provide some resolution.

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