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Comcast has inaccurate data usage monitoring, and poor escalation processes
My data usage "increased" by a 300gb a month starting in October 2020. I have unplugged my modem for several days and my data usage still goes up. Comcast has data usage ceilings that are put in place to generate revenue, and they generate false data to achieve this, knowingly or unknowingly (both are just as bad).
I am told (in error) comcast has no way of monitoring my actual usage because I'm using my own Cable Modem without their "software". I am not going to RENT your terrible combo router/modem. I am also very alarmed I was transferred by a comcast employee to a car insurance scam phone line en lieu of CSA.
Once my case was PAINFULLY escalated to CSA they asked for my modems MAC address to "investigate".
Thank you Comcast. You have wonderfully lived up to your reputation again.
I am told (in error) comcast has no way of monitoring my actual usage because I'm using my own Cable Modem without their "software". I am not going to RENT your terrible combo router/modem. I am also very alarmed I was transferred by a comcast employee to a car insurance scam phone line en lieu of CSA.
Once my case was PAINFULLY escalated to CSA they asked for my modems MAC address to "investigate".
Thank you Comcast. You have wonderfully lived up to your reputation again.
Accepted Solution
3 Messages
4 years ago
Your experience is not unique but you are the one of few sharp persons who realize "over-limit" warning from Xfinity is pure a business scam. My actual usage was below 100gb per month with a limit of 1226gb per month. Nevertheless, I got the Xfinity's sincere error warning every month. When I followed the link to find out why Xfinity didn't care at all but just persuading your upgrading your current service plan. Sad, Xfinity still doesn't earn enough to play honestly though only 2 giants surviving in the market here
Problem Solver
515 Messages
4 years ago
Are you streaming video on a TV (Netflix, Disny+, Hulu, Amazon Video, etc)? That counts against your data limit. The normal channels in your package do not, just the data consumed while streaming video. Some home security systems consume data if you have the video feeds to a monitor in your home. I understand that you have unplugged your router for extended periods; that would indicate that whatever is using data is connected to the modem (assuming you have seperate router/modem).
1 Message
4 years ago
I have also experienced this with Xfinity. They are telling me the same thing. Because I’m using my own modem (which is the one they recommended me to use if I bought my own) and they can’t tell me exactly what’s using so much data.
All I have connected is three ring spotlight cameras, one ring doorbell camera and two Nest thermostats. I have not been in the house for two months now. I have called them several times to ask why my data usage is over 3600GB in one month
they can’t tell me how they calculate it.
My cap per month was 1200GB then get charged more if I go over (but not for the first three months). They keep pushing me to spend $30 more a month to rent there modem and have unlimited data. The devices I have connected to WiFi should not use any where near what they say I’m using. I started taking screenshots of my data usage every day averaging 110GB a day (again way too much for what I have connected). Kept on complaining to them about it.... Now, so far starting April 1st my data usage is mysteriously only averaging 1-2GBs a day which NOW seem correct They still can’t explain to me why January, February and March were so extremely high with data usage calculations.
I really wish someone that had real professional testing equipment could figure out what the real deal is with Xfinity and them trying to scam people to rent there equipment and pay extra for unlimited data. Also, never heard of a ISP putting a cap on home internet service.
Even Verizon that is nutritious for nickel and dimming people for there service don’t have a monthly cap on home internet service.... Unfortunately Xfinity is the only high speed ISP in my area.
1 Message
4 years ago