5 Messages

Friday, November 29th, 2024 10:14 PM

CODA56 OFDMA Upstream Overview

I have been experiencing 1% packet loss while gaming on my network. A technician checked my network and indicated that all parameters were within acceptable limits. However, I am not convinced that the technician checked all parameters thoroughly. I am also concerned that upstream channel index 1 is disabled, and I do not understand why this would be the case. Can someone please confirm that the noise ratio is set appropriately?


This menu shows the status of the device


This menu displays both upstream and downstream signal parameters

Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (Hz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Signal noise ratio (dB) Octets Correcteds Uncorrectables Channel ID
1 417000000 256QAM 6.600 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095183389 0 0 4
2 465000000 256QAM 6.300 43.377 1 * 2e32 + 1095183507 0 0 12
3 513000000 256QAM 6.000 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095184084 0 0 20
4 561000000 256QAM 5.100 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095184205 0 0 28
5 399000000 256QAM 6.600 43.377 1 * 2e32 + 1095184305 0 0 1
6 405000000 256QAM 6.400 43.377 1 * 2e32 + 1095184413 0 0 2
7 411000000 256QAM 6.500 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095184696 0 0 3
8 423000000 256QAM 6.300 43.377 1 * 2e32 + 1095184821 0 0 5
9 429000000 256QAM 6.100 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095184952 0 0 6
10 435000000 256QAM 6.100 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095185058 0 0 7
11 441000000 256QAM 6.300 43.377 1 * 2e32 + 1095185169 0 0 8
12 447000000 256QAM 6.200 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095185270 0 0 9
13 453000000 256QAM 6.000 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095185404 0 0 10
14 459000000 256QAM 6.100 43.377 1 * 2e32 + 1095185507 0 0 11
15 471000000 256QAM 6.000 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095185617 0 0 13
16 477000000 256QAM 5.800 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095185744 0 0 14
17 483000000 256QAM 6.100 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095185860 0 0 15
18 489000000 256QAM 6.200 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095185963 0 0 16
19 495000000 256QAM 6.100 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095186078 0 0 17
20 501000000 256QAM 5.600 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095186189 0 0 18
21 507000000 256QAM 5.600 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095186309 0 0 19
22 519000000 256QAM 5.700 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095186423 0 0 21
23 525000000 256QAM 5.100 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095186535 0 0 22
24 531000000 256QAM 5.200 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095186635 0 0 23
25 537000000 256QAM 5.400 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095186759 0 0 24
26 543000000 256QAM 4.900 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095186868 0 0 25
27 549000000 256QAM 4.400 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095186984 0 0 26
28 555000000 256QAM 4.600 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095187087 0 0 27
29 567000000 256QAM 4.800 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095187414 0 0 29
30 573000000 256QAM 4.200 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095187530 0 0 30
31 579000000 256QAM 4.600 40.366 1 * 2e32 + 1095187654 0 0 31
32 585000000 256QAM 4.900 40.946 1 * 2e32 + 1095187769 0 0 32
Reset FEC Counters
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(Hz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv) SNR(dB) Octets Correcteds Uncorrectables
0 4K 632600000 YES YES YES 4.000000 42 1868274782 1429627181 2
1 4K 803600000 YES YES YES 0.400002 40 3733117501 3081597837 2
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (Hz) BandWidth (Hz) Modulation Type DOCSIS Mode Signal Strength (dBmV) Channel ID
1 22800000 6400000 64QAM ATDMA 37.271 18
2 35600000 6400000 64QAM ATDMA 38.521 20
3 29200000 6400000 64QAM ATDMA 37.771 19
4 16400000 6400000 64QAM ATDMA 37.271 17
OFDMA Upstream Overview
Channel Index State Subcarr 0 Frequency(Hz) lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 OPERATE 36200000 0.1760 5.5268 44.4000 48.6826 34.2500 4K
1 DISABLED 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2K

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1.9K Messages

13 days ago


VLX, Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I know how inconvenient it is to experience packet loss when gaming. I am so sorry to learn about this experience. You've reached the right team. We are a group of experts who specialize in resolving internet service issues over social media. We can help. Thanks for sending over that screenshot. If you were to run an internet health test like in this link here via the Xfinity app, what results does it pull for you?




107.5K Messages

13 days ago

@VLX wrote: "I am also concerned that upstream channel index 1 is disabled, and I do not understand why this would be the case. Can someone please confirm that the noise ratio is set appropriately?"

FWIW here. Upstream channel OFDMA is a fairly new modulation scheme. Many, if not most market areas are only offering one channel so far. It's normal. And the downstream channel SNR values are all good / within specs.

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