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Sunday, January 12th, 2020 9:00 PM


Bridge Mode and DHCP not working

I recently by accident flipped the breaker on my network equipment and it went through a power cycle. When everything came up my Internet connection was dead. The xfinity gateway was set for bridge mode and my firewall is using DHCP to acquire an IPv4 address. I called technical services which were unable to assist with troubleshooting the IP issue.


I verified I was sending out DHCP discovery packets from my ASA 5505 with no response from the xfinity DHCP server, I also plugged in my Mac Book with the same results.


It is frustrating  I have to revert back to routed mode to operate. No one on the xfinity side had a clue as to why this workes and doesn't work at times and how to resolve.


Does anyone have any experience with this issue and know how to resolve?



109.1K Messages

5 years ago

Try resetting the gateway back to factory defaults by depressing and holding in the recessed reset button on the rear for 30 seconds, then start from scratch.


Power everything down. wait a minute. Power up the gateway. when it fully comes up, put it back into bridge mode. Verify that it is indeed in bridge mode. Power up the ASA 5505 and let it fully come up. Now power up the device / clients. Any joy ?

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5 years ago

Thanks fo the reply, I will give it a shot later today and let you know. From reading a number of topics I may be better replacing the xfinity gateway with my own modem.



109.1K Messages

5 years ago


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5 years ago

Did you have an opnion on modems? I was looking at the Netgear CM1200 and the Motorola MB8600. 

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