2 Messages
Arris Surfboard SB8200 Modem Question
I recently replaced my Arris Surfboard SB8200 modem that I have been using for several years. It was apparently defective as I was only getting a download speed of around 40 Mbps from it for the past several weeks when I pay for 500 Mbps speed. An Xfinity technician came out and checked the speed of the cable going into the modem, which was fine. I use a Netgear Orbi RBR50 mesh network for WiFi. The download light on my older SB8200 has always been blue, indicating that I was getting DOCSIS 3.1. I just installed a new SB8200 to replace the defective SB8200. The speed tests that I performed using the Orbi test shows that I am getting download speeds of about 550 Mbps, which is the same speed results with my old modem when it was working properly. However, the download light on the new SB8200 is green, indicating that I am getting DOCSIS 3.0 now. I called Arris and they told me that they have no control over Xfinity using DOCSIS 3.0 vs. 3.1. And they could not explain the reason for the change, suggesting that I call Xfinity and ask them about the change.
Any feedback as to the change with the new modem indicating DOCSIS 3.0? Thank you.
109.1K Messages
5 months ago
What do the modem's signal status values look like ? Try getting them here;
Please copy all of the text in its entirety of the *Downstream Power Levels*, the *SNR's* (Signal to Noise Ratios), and the *Upstream Power Level* numbers and paste them into your next post.
109.1K Messages
5 months ago
@user_bntk76 My apologies. Seems that I lost track of this.
Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open public forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.