wiseguyz23's profile



9 Messages

Saturday, October 29th, 2022 1:42 AM


Arris SB8200 Modem - Comcast Won't See Modem


I got an Arris SB8200 modem and when I tried to get it provisioned by Comcast they couldn't see it. I know this modem works but for whatever reason, it just couldn't be seen by the system. Looking this issue up on the internet after going back to the old modem I found out that A LOT of people have an issue with this. What can I do? I want faster connection but I'm not going to keep buying modems until they work. 



156 Messages

2 years ago


1. Is the modem new or used? Used modems can have issues that make them difficult to impossible to activate.

2. What activation method did you use, ie the xfinity app or speaking to a live rep?

3. Any error messages or other feedback?



9 Messages

2 years ago

Hello Zip,

Thanks for the reply. Answers:

1. It is used. I've read about the challenges with this but 60 bucks was a deal I couldn't pass up and the previous owner assured me that it was working when they moved. 

2. I called a live rep. We tried a lot of things, but we came to the conclusion that the new modem just couldn't be connected to. I eliminated all other factors (I am a network technician by trade).

3. No other error messages. The modem had all the lights on and I was able to ping it when it was plugged in. I was also able to click through some of the Activation menus from Xfinity when I tried to use my browser. This made me believe that I was getting through to Comcast's services... which in turn made me believe that the modem is working fine, we just are being locked out of activating.

What I believe is happening:

-I believe that the previous owner didn't have Comcast disassociate this modem's MAC address from his account, based on some research online.

I would love to hear any other suggestions on what to do. I would rather not have to send this back to the previous owner. 

Does anyone know any tricks to get these going? 

Thank you!



106.2K Messages

@wiseguyz23​ wrote;

What I believe is happening:

-I believe that the previous owner didn't have Comcast disassociate this modem's MAC address from his account, based on some research online.

This is a MUST ! Have them do that if you can. Or you'll need to get a CC rep that knows how to do it in their backend database. Good luck !

I am not a Comcast Employee.
I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.

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Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

I once tried to activate a gateway, Comcast gateway at that, they could see it but not activate it, turned out to be a funky splitter, i by passed the splitter and it linked right up, then I replaced the splitter, all was good, just a thought



106.2K Messages

2 years ago

All things being equal, it's still is a MUST !



9 Messages

2 years ago

Thanks, everyone for the suggestions. 

@Jlavaseur if my SB6182 wasn't working just fine I would tend to agree that there's an issue with another piece of equipment. But, since I am able to go back to my old modem with no issues, I believe that the issue lies with this modem and the problem of it being associated with another account. 

@EG Any suggestions on how to get to a rep that can/will do this for me if the previous owner doesn't attempt to try for me? 

Thanks again everyone!

Problem Solver


577 Messages

@wiseguyz23 Hello and thank you for reaching out over our Xfinity Community Forum. I would be more than happy to take a closer look at your account and the modem in question, to see if it may indeed be a previously leased Comcast modem that is still associated with another account, which would present issues in getting it added. Whatever we can do to help get to the bottom of this once and for all! Then we can circle back and share what we found to hopefully benefit others following this public thread. To get started, could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it

I no longer work for Comcast. 



106.2K Messages

2 years ago

I'm going to escalate your issue to the Comcast corporate employees that are available to these boards. You should get a reply here in your topic. Good luck !



9 Messages

@EG​ Thank you. I messaged "Xfinity Support". Is this the "corporate" employee that I am getting a hold of? 

What are the chances that they're going to be able to fix this? The previous owner just got back to me and said that he used it for Comcast and then sent me a chat log with online support. The chat log from the agent stated that their account has been deactivated and that the modem should no longer be associated with the account and that I should be able to use the modem with no problem.

This pretty much absolves the previous owner of anything more that they can do. I hope I'm not screwed.



106.2K Messages

@wiseguyz23​ wrote;

@EG​ Thank you. I messaged "Xfinity Support". Is this the "corporate" employee that I am getting a hold of? 

You're welcome ! And yes it is.

What are the chances that they're going to be able to fix this?

I can't answer that authoritatively, sorry. Good luck !

I am not a Comcast Employee.
I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.

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9 Messages

I had a feeling that was the case. I am on chat with them but the response time is very very slow. It's been an all-day thing so far. But, none-the-less I am grateful to get some support on this issue.




3 Messages

2 years ago

I had the same problem with a brand new modem I recently purchased. It took a number of attempts over at least an hour before their system finally found my modem. Comcast needs to make activation via the web site possible again. Forcing people to use an app on their mobile device is just wrong.




9 Messages

@ChZeman​ Agreed. I think this is an unacceptable issue. I've purchased my own used modems for the past 15 years. This is the first issue that I've had.



156 Messages

2 years ago

A lesson I learned the hard way a few years ago:

When shopping for a used modem, always ask what services it's been used with before.

If it's been used with Xfinity, you probably wanna keep shopping.

Just sayin... [wink][wink]



9 Messages

@zip21222​ That's unfortunate... there's got to be a way to fix this.



9 Messages

2 years ago

Hey everyone. Just an update. No one could do anything on Comcast's side. This is strange... the modem seems fine as far as I can tell. I am able to ping the modem. I am able to access the modem's Web Manager page. Everything seems fine on my end... 

So, it just sounds like Comcast can't do anything... I feel helpless. Do I just have to get a different brand modem?



156 Messages

2 years ago


I'm using an SB8200 right now. Bought it used on Amazon 4 or 5 years ago, and It's been rock solid since day 1.

I really doubt it's an issue with that model of modem.

It's possible that your particular modem is defective, but there's a much more likely (IMHO) scenario.

You may have noticed that part of activating a modem with xfinity is supplying the modem's MAC address, which is a unique value belonging to just one modem on the planet. Among the things xfinity does with that number is register it to your account so when they see that MAC on their network they know who it belongs to.

Frequently, when folks get a new modem and retire their old one, they do not tell xfinity to de-register the old MAC from their account.

If the modem owner then sells or gives away that old modem, the new owner frequently cannot activate the modem because xfinity's records say it still belongs to someone else.

It's sorta comparable to going to your motor vehicle office and trying to get a second set of plates for your car - it's almost certainly not gonna work.

If that's what's happening with your modem, you basically have two possible paths to take. You can try to get xfinity to de-register that MAC from the original owner, freeing it up for you to activate, or you can get a different modem.

If you do get another modem, I highly recommend you make sure it's never been used on xfinity before.

Also keep in mind that the cable co's apparently maintain a list of 'stolen' modems that also cannot be activated, so be careful whom you do business with. [smile]




9 Messages


Hey Zip, I spoke with the previous owner who supplied me with a chat log from Comcast. They confirmed that the modem was de-registered from their account. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm about learn an expensive lesson due to Comcast's archaic systems. 



156 Messages


archaic seems generous [smile]

I was leaning towards 'pathetic'

only thing I can think of at this point is this:

We tell you how to contact Comcast — and the ways you can contact Comcast and really get them to listen!

Good Luck!!

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