1 Message
Apple TV and Rachio unable to connect
I switched to unlimited internet and you sent me a new modem. Now my Apple TV and Rachio irrigation will not connect.
1 Message
I switched to unlimited internet and you sent me a new modem. Now my Apple TV and Rachio irrigation will not connect.
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
4 months ago
Howdy user_1ukp93
It seems like the Apple TV and Rachio just need to be pointed to the new WiFi. Had you already updated the devices in the preferences? You should be able to that right through the Apple TV, the Rachio online says you would use the Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller app to update the profile.
2 Messages
3 days ago
I have a Rachio controller that will not connect to the Rachio server although it will connect to my 2.4 g network still. I’ve tried everything over which I have control and no joy. It will connect through a phone hotspot. I suspect a setting on the Xfinity side is the issue and my owned router is less than two years old and gets good speed. It’s an. Arris t25 which is now listed as compatible but not recommended. The only voice recommended modem is the netgear cm2050v which is 300$ and I really do not want to spend that much just to get one smart device working. Any suggestions?