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1 Message
Admin tool gateway login
Hello, I cant seem to find my login on the "" admin tool page. I have factory reset the router, making sure the LEDs turned off and tried the default "admin" for username and "password" password, but it didn't seem to work. I repeated this a couple more times but still, no luck. If anyone could help me that would be fantastic! : )
Gold Problem Solver
2.2K Messages
5 years ago
Which model device are you trying to administer? There should be a manual online for it if you don't have a hard copy. You might also use the SEARCH function in this forum to see what others have posted for DEFAULT PASSWORD.
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
Connect a computer via ethernet cable to the gateway device. Depress and hold in the recessed reset button on the rear for a full 30 seconds. is the address. admin is the default username and password is the default password. Any joy ?