Mcfeely1's profile



29 Messages

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 3:00 PM


Adding a 2.4 ghz wifi

Idk why I don’t just call for things, but with my old modem, my brother made it so I could connect with either 2.4 or 5. Each had its own password. My weather unit has to use 2.4.

Can you tell me how I can create a new 2.4 network and keep my 5 ghz also. I want to choose and not have it auto connect for me.

Thank you...



107.1K Messages

4 years ago

The two WiFi bands have recently been combined into one with the Comcast gateway devices. Some devices get confused and don't know how to see / talk to combined bands.

If you are not using any Xfi Pods, you can try separating the 2.4 and the 5.0 bands and give them two different broadcast names / SSID's;


Associate the weather device with the 2.4 band's SSID (broadcast name) and password.

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