user_kpw's profile

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17 Messages

Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 10:55 PM

2gb speed only getting 1.2gb

I have the 2gb internet speed. When testing from the Xfinity modem to my router I’m only getting 1.2gb. It is plugged into the 2.5gb port.

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1 month ago

Can I get some help from Xfinity rep?

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1.2K Messages

user_kpw thank you for using the Community Forums page to let us know about your internet speed related questions and concerns. I can definitely assist you with your speeds being lower than anticipated. Are you using a third party router in conjunction with your internet equipment?

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1 Message

I am having the exact same issue. Are the 10GB ports on the XD4 modem multi-gig? Can they handle 2.5GB connections or simply 10G and 1G?

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1.8K Messages


user_z3diwi Not sure about an XD4 but our Xb8 modem is capable of up to 2.5 Gbps. Make sure you are using port 4 on most of the XB8 modems it is the red port and if using a router with your connection make sure your router is capable of supporting the speed you are looking for. Even if your modem is getting the speed it should if your router can not support it you will not get what you need for any connected devices. You can test this if you have a device you can connect directly to your Xfi gateway with a CAT 5 or 6 ethernet cable.


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108.3K Messages

15 days ago

@user_z3diwi FWIW. You don't want to use a cat5 cable, you want to use a minimum of cat5e. Cat6 is even better.


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