

14 Messages

Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 6:05 AM


2.4 ghz WiFi running about 100 Mbps well below modem-router limit of 600 for 2.4 ghz

It was suggested I make a new post for this issue which I originally had as a reply to another post:

My son and I both have 200 Mbps service and have MG7700 modem-routers.

The 5.0 radio runs okay at around 200 Mbps.

But the 2.4 runs under 100 which is far under the 600 max for this modem.

Wi-Fi Speed and Performance
• Simultaneous Dual Band radios
• Up to 600 Mbps** at 2.4 GHz
• Up to 1300 Mbps** at 5 GHz

** Speeds shown are maximum wireless speeds derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Actual speeds will vary.

I also have Motorola MT7711 which is a similar gateway that also only reaches 100 Mbps on the 2.4 radio. 
That other post I mentioned was by someone with 400 Mbps service and his 2.4 likewise is limited to 100 Mbps.



14 Messages

@EG The performance is the same for my son’s vacation home around the corner from my house which is not quite finished.  My wife and I are the only ones staying here with 2 iPhones and an iPad.  His MG7700 gateway (exactly like mine) is in his living room with me only 7 feet away.  I’m looking at it now. 

We both have 200 Mbps service.  The 5.0 radio here runs around 200 Mbps as it should, but the 2.4 runs around 100.   I get the same results at my house.  

The specs for the MG7700 I posted say the max is 1300 for 5.0 and 600 for 2.4.  My spare modem, a MT7711 gateway with same upper limits, gets the same result.  



105.9K Messages

3 years ago

O/k well if you are getting your subscribed to speeds on the 5 GHz band, then this is beyond being a Comcast support issue. May I suggest that you contact Motorola and Apple tech support services about the problem. Good luck with it !



14 Messages

3 years ago

But in that other September post… from which this was split… the poster wrote “We have a 400 Mbps Comcast service, using a WiFi 6 router, and a Net Gear 2 GB cable modem, fast equipment.”  And the 5.0 runs at 400 but the 2.4 barely reaches 100.  Same problem with his 2.4 and he’s using different and faster hardware than mine. 



105.9K Messages


*You* wrote this in your prior post: "We both have 200 Mbps service." And in your first post too. So is that the speed tier (200) that you are actually subscribed to or not ?

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Yes, that’s correct.  My son and I have the same 200 service and MG7700 gateways and do not exceed 100 on our 2.4 networks.  

When I refer to the September (7th) post from which this issue was split (at your suggestion) I mention that the poster says he has 400 service and a WIFi 6 router and 2 gig modem and does not exceed 100 Mbps  on the 2.4 network.  In other words, he has faster hardware made by a different manufacturer, faster service, and yet sees the same behavior as seen at my house and at my son’s house. 



105.9K Messages

O/k so again. If you are getting 200 on the 5 GHz band then Comcast is supplying the speed that you are paying for and there is nothing else that they are obligated to do. If the 2.4 band speeds are lower, that's a WiFi / protocol issue. 

It is a well-known fact that the 2.4 band is slower than the 5.0 band. You can Google 2.4 vs 5.0 and read all about it.

And they also won't provide support for your third-party / retail purchased gateway devices anyway. They only support devices that are rented from them.


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Sure, I understand that 5.0 is faster than 2.4.  But it seems arbitrary to say your subscribed speed is supported if one of the 2 bands can support it.  It’s stranger still to limit the 2.4 speed at 100 when upgrading your service from 200 to 400.  In fact when I first contacted Xfinity about this, they suggested doing exactly that… but that would not have helped me.   My cameras need the 2.4 network.

I’m going to see how a friend’s Xfinity gateway behaves with this. 

I’m also intrigued by Motorola’s claim that the MG7700 can run 600 Mbps on 2.4 (1300 on 5.0) considering I’m only looking to run at  a mere one-third of that speed maximum. 



14 Messages

3 years ago

Darn it… my friend’s Xfinity Technicolor gateway uses the same name for both 2.4 and 5.0 and the name change field is grayed out.  Also the network enable/disable lets you click and save but appears to not really shut off the 5.0 so I can force a connect to 2.4.  There was some mention of an app I’m guessing you have to use to do this, but she’s not home and I’d have to log into her account, maybe get 2 step authorization, blah, blah.  So I told her I’ll test the 2.4 later when she’s home.  Why do they think it’s a good idea to “simplify” things by using same SSID on both nets?  

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

Sorry for any confusion! With the band steering system it allows for the unified login via the device to make the decision on the most effective band. I would be asking the same questions and appreciate you making sure we are in the loop. 

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They have a third party / retail purchased / customer owned gateway device, not a Comcast rented device. AFAIK, there isn't any "band steering"... 


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14 Messages

3 years ago

Well, my friend and I got a chance to attempt a speed test on her Xfinity Technicolor CGM4331COM tonight but I was blocked in that attempt by not being able to either rename or disable radios so my iPad could connect to the 2.4 network.  I was hoping the App or web page interface would still expose those options since the gateway doesn’t have them. 

Her service is 500 Mbps and runs at that speed on the 5.0 network and I was curious to see how fast the 2.4 runs for her but I guess I won’t be able to find out.

I have to imagine that it has to be something more than 100 Mbps.   My son and I both see 100 Mbps or less on our 200 Mbps service with Moto MG7700 gateways.  My spare Moto MT7711 gateway gets the same result.    And that other guy with 400 Mbps service and a WiFi 6 router also doesn’t exceed 100 Mbps on 2.4. 

My SimpliSafe system is not alone in the requirement to switch a mobile device over to the 2.4 network to manage the system’s devices so having a gateway that makes this difficult or impossible would be a problem. 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Thank you for reaching back out to us @dalypj. Have you had a chance to reach out to the manufacturer of your modem as EG had advised? I see you previously mentioned the 5.0 network receives your plan's full speeds, this would indicate that the signals being sent to your equipment are within the specs that we need them to be in. 

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@XfinityAldrik  I am writing to Motorola now.  I didn’t previously because the other person (RLM5, to find his post, search for text in title “so so slow”) has a different gateway, twice as fast service, (he has 400) and still is limited to 100 Mbps on 2.4.  Unfortunately he doesn’t mention the brand he has.  But if it’s not Motorola, then this issue is not a Motorola issue.  

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@dalypj I know just how important it is to get the full speed you are subscribed to, we have multiple members in my home using the internet at all times throughout the day. While you are contacting them, we can definitely take a deeper look at the signals going to your modem and run some tests to make sure there are no issues with the connections going to your modem. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? 


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@XfinityAldrik  This cable is a fresh underground install in new construction. Comcast came out to the house before I posted here about this issue and checked the signal.  

My question is what would you expect is the reason that the 2.4 band runs a fraction (one sixth) of the gateway rated speed when there is no interference, no distance problem (7 feet), no obstructions (iPad and gateway in the same room)?  

I only have Motorola modems and I need to find someone with different brand so I can test their 2.4 band.  So far I tried to test on a friend’s and a relative’s but they both have Xfinity gateways that don’t allow you to select the band.  

Is this something  you can test in a lab on a few gateways?

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello again @dalypj! Without using too much jargon, we send one internet signal to your home. Once it is received by the modem, the router creates the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz networks to connect to. It is common for the 5.0 GHz to have faster speeds than the 2.4 GHz, however, it is not typical for their speeds to be this far off.


Since the 5.0 network is reporting the maximum speed of your speed tier, we can confirm that the modem itself has the correct boot file and is receiving the correct signal. 


There may be an issue with the modem itself, if you'd like we can send one of our rental modems and test the 5.0 and 2.4 networks.

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Problem Solver


948 Messages

3 years ago

So i have the MB 8611 with a asus rt-ax86u router, on the 5g mode i can get 1400 Mbps on wifi 6, on 2.4 g its tops out at roughly 130 Mbps, i have tested on the xfinity xb6 and xb7 also, i have the 1200 plan, so i believe thats all your going to get....



14 Messages

@jlavaseur  I just want to understand why…. Responses seem to revolve around what’s wrong with equipment and environment but I think it’s a matter of what we are given.  My friend with 400 service through Spectrum gets 350 on his 2.4 



105.9K Messages


 I think it’s a matter of what we are given.

Again. If you get 200 on the 5 GHz band then you are being "given" the correct speed by them. They don't and can't provide two different speed tiers simultaneously. 

 My friend with 400 service through Spectrum gets 350 on his 2.4

What equipment are they using ? A Spectrum supplied gateway device ? You can't compare apples to oranges...



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@EG   He has separate cable modem and router both supplied by Spectrum.
Modem is Hitron EN2251 and Router is Sagemcom RAC2V2S.

I don’t understand “They don’t and can’t supply two different speed tiers simultaneously.”

I have to assume you mean if Xfinity is running 5.0 at 200 for me (and my son), there’s no enough capacity left to run 2.4 higher than 100.  Recall that RLM5 can’t exceed 100 on 2.4 with 400 service, so the 2.4 doesn’t scale up when doubling your service speed.  

And jlavaseur tells us his 1400 service runs 2.4 at 130.  That’s 7 times my service speed but only gives him 30 more on 2.4.

What if I were to buy the exact same Hitron modem and Sagemcom router that my friend has which runs 5.0 at 400 and 2.4 at 350.   And then I increased my service from 200 to 400 (like his).  If after doing this, I find my Xfinity still won’t exceed 100 on the 2.4 band, what would you conclude is limiting the speed?   If it’s an arbitrary limitation then the operative word should be “won’t” not “can’t.”



50 Messages




Problem Solver


948 Messages

3 years ago

It does have to do with your environment and equipment, I only can tell you what I achieve on Comcast, that being said, I have no issues with my speeds on the 2.4 band



14 Messages

I understand it has to do with equipment and environment.  This gateway is supposed to be faster than 100 on 2.4.  At my son’s house, everything is in the same room being tested (gateway and iPad)… no walls to go through.  No one else is here. Nothing else is running.   There are no other neighboring networks around me except one faint 2.4. 

When you say you have no issues, do you actually use the 2.4 band? What do you use if for?  Doesn’t 1400 and 130 seem a bit lopsided?  

Problem Solver


948 Messages

I have a older Firestick that uses only 2.4 band, I stream a lot of movies, during the stream it says it’s using roughly 17 Mbps, on my router I can set the bandwidth on the 2.4 band and the 5 band, so the 2.4 band only has the option of 20 - 40, the 5 band has up to 160 MHz, so there obviously a big difference, that being said, more is not always better, once I was testing different channels and bandwidth, I was getting 600 plus WiFi, so I thought more should be even better, so I went to the next option, my speed immediately dropped to under 200 Mbps, I changed back to the lower option and again 600 Mbps plus, this was on i believe a Xb6 gateway, so I learned even one wrong setting choice can be very detrimental to speed, also what a manufacturer advertised and real world results can be very different, so as you point out, it is lopsided, but everything works as it should, so i am not worried about speed numbers

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