

12 Messages

Sunday, November 26th, 2023 3:50 PM


Why is Xfinfty Stream Not Loading or …

We have experienced almost 10 outages in the past 2 months. Since the most recent outage, 1 day ago, Xfinity Stream is struggling to load or unable to load recordings, and taking up to 5 minutes to load channel. It also resets channels back to channel two so I have to scroll over 1400 channels to get back to HD channels and/or puts me GO channels when I am home on my home network.  In addition, the typical 3 dots displayed when loading a channel seem to have a mirror image causing six dots instead of the expected 3 dots. Please tell me why this is happening and be transparent about the reasoning and let me know if other users are complaining about the same issues. 

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

11 months ago

Hi, @User-vail Thanks for taking the time to visit XFINITY over our forums page and for patiently waiting for a response for help with why XFINITY Stream is not loading. I always use the Stream app whether at home or on the go so I understand the inconvenience that this can cause. I am sorry to learn about this experience. We are the right team to ask for help. Are you still noticing issues at this time? The best way to check on why this is happening when experiencing service issues is by visiting our Digital Status Center. Have you heard of it? This is also a great way to report an interruption and ensure you receive a credit.  When visiting the Status Center, simply scroll down to where it says "Tell us more about your experience in the Outage" Tips section at the bottom of the page. A form launches to determine eligibility for the credit and you will then provide details about your experience during the outage.

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