

3 Messages

Saturday, March 18th, 2023 7:17 PM


Stream app intermittent pauses on multiple TV's

I am using a Motorola MG7700 cable modem/router.  An Xfinity technician has been out recently to change out to a single splitter (one to my one cable TV and the other to my modem/router.  500MBPS into the home and speed test is getting me to about 250MBPS on wireless 2.4 and 5.0 channels.

Using Firesticks on two different TV's - one using the 5.0 network and the other trying both.  I consistently get the "3 dot" pause/delays intermittently throughout the day on both.  This was also very common when I was using a wireless cable box prior to switching to Firesticks to see if it fixed my issue.  I run other smart TV apps on both of these TV's without any issue.  At this point, I can only assume that the Stream app is not working in my home.  I don't know what further steps to take and trying to resolve this issue.  I cannot continue to use it like this and am going to make a switch if I cannot get it resolved.  This app has been out long enough that it should be stable - I could not even get it to work on the Xfinity wireless box, so...

Open to any ideas.  Thank you.

Problem Solver


828 Messages

1 year ago

I appreciate you sharing your experience with us. We definitely do not want to lose you as a customer. I'd like to help. To clarify, you have no issues streaming the Xfinity Stream app to your smart TV, but you are running into issue when using your Firesticks?



3 Messages

1 year ago

No.  I experienced this issue running the Stream app on an LG Smart TV (the UI on this version of the app is fairly limited and not usable IMO) as well as on two different Firesticks on two different TVs in my home.  I also experienced this behavior with a wifi cable box, which is why I switched in the first place.  The only thing I have been able to ascertain is that the application is hypersensitive to signal strength.  Let me know if you need more information.  Thank you.

Problem Solver


828 Messages

1 year ago

Gotcha. Sorry for the confusion. Have you tried moving your modem and router to see if that could change the performance?


Here are a couple of great links to enhance your Wi-Fi experience.



  1. 10 Ways you might be killing your Home Wi-Fi signal: https://xfin.tv/2R61pX6



  1. Improving Wi-Fi Network Performance: https://comca.st/320fSHo

If you are still experiencing issues, I'd be happy to run a diagnostic on your line. To do so, could you please send us a direct message with full name and address? To send a direct message, please click on the "chat" icon in the upper (left of the bell), then click the notepad/pencil icon, and lastly Xfinity Support.



3 Messages

1 year ago

I unfortunately cannot move my router as it is located in the wiring closet.  Distance to the TV is about 30' tops.  I also use 2.4, since that is a stretch for 5.0.  I do have a WAP located in my upstairs and is directly wired into my router.  I have started connecting to it to see if that helps - only 15 feet to the TV.  I will review these links to see if they provide some suggestions.  

What will the diagnostic be able to tell you?  Is it on my router or the signal coming into my home?  If the latter, I had a tech onsite a week or so ago, and that is not my issue.  I have 500MBPS coming in, and about 225 coming out of my router both on 2.4 and 5.0 channels. 

Thank you.

Problem Solver


571 Messages

Thank you for following up with us. I appreciate those details on your set-up as well. We can run diagnostics to tell us the health of your connection and if there are any issues present that are interfering with your streaming. Please send us a DM using the instructions above if the links provided do not resolve your concern. We are here to help! 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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