Thursday, August 31st, 2023 11:04 PM


No Recordings Found on Xfinity App - Scheduled Recordings Still Show on App

As of 8/30, when I open the Recordings tab on the app, I see "No Recordings Found". The scheduled recordings are still visible. All the recordings are present and accounted for on the DVR box. But I cannot see the recordings on the app or the Xfinity Stream web address on my computer. 

I have put in a ticket for help but every person I talk to doesn't have any tools to solve this issue.

1 Message

1 year ago

I started having similar issue one week ago. I called tech support but they couldn't fix it. They sent out a tech who changed our main box but I still can't see the recordings on my laptop as I was always able to do. I do see all the Recirdings we scheduled on the TVs only

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33 Messages


Same exact issue for me.

I see no recordings but I can see all the scheduled recordings. 

No issues with my 2 4K DVR XG1v4 boxes as I can see all the recordings on them.

This is only happening on internet devices Android, Ipad and even on the Xfinity web site! :(

Clearly something got messed up with their network and is affecting maybe everyone?


Official Employee


1.8K Messages

1 year ago

Hey, @user_184746. Thanks for posting on our community forums. I'm sorry to hear about the recordings not showing up on the Xfinity Stream App. Just to confirm, what troubleshooting steps have you taken so far? Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the app? Do you know if your device meets the Xfinity Stream App minimum system requirements

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