Thursday, September 28th, 2023 4:42 PM


How can I get my Xfinity stream app deprovisioned?

How can I get my Xfinity stream app deprovisioned?
I have someone streaming on my account that I want to be taken off. I changed my password, however this person is still able to stream on their device even though I removed all devices and changed my password - they do not have the new password - but they still have access to my account using the old password since they haven't logged out of the Xfinity streaming app on their tv. 
I want all streaming devices to be logged out and forced to sign back in using the new password I just created. This way the person streaming on my account will be unable to stream anymore. 
Can someone PLEASE contact me so I can get this taken care of, as I need the app "reset" and cleared out to remove unauthorized users.
I spoke with an Xfinity customer service rep who told me to reset my password, (which I did last week) - he told me to remove all users from my account - (which I did last week) - he then told me that there is no such thing as 'deprovisioning' the Xfinity stream account. 
There is a difference between authorized users on your account and someone that is using the Xfinity Stream App with your log in information. 
The Xfinity Stream App with my credentials needs to be DEPROVISIONED (reset and cleared).....  I already did a password reset.  Doing a password reset does absolutely nothing to the Xfinity Stream app that someone has set up on their tv in another state until they sign out of the account, and until they do that, they still have access. 
If you search the Xfinity help forum, countless people have had the same issue.  
You would think it's common sense and logical that if you change your password to your account log in, any and all users using the "old" password would immediately be KICKED OUT. Unfortunately, Xfinity isn't like that. People using the Xfinity App with the "old" password will still be able to use the app until they sign out on their own accord.  
I want to completely DEPROVISION my Xfinity App and kick out all users on my account as they are NOT listed when I go to "Settings" ---> "Manage Devices"... SO PLEASE TELL ME HOW I CAN GO ABOUT CONTACTING SOMEONE TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE! 
Thank you! 

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