80 Messages
Email from account suspended
Hi I got an email from saying there was an issue with my payment and my account has been suspended. The person who pays the bill had made a payment 2 days prior. I finally was able to outsmart the system and talk to a human being on the phone. He was totally unhelpful. Idk if the email came from comcast. None of the text chat agents knew if it was real or fake. So I’m turning to customers here to give your feedback.
thanks. Screenshot below. Notice the address is
80 Messages
9 months ago
I got a similar email from I tried calling comcast but was unable to get past the autobot. I texted a few times to no avail. Finally I was able to schedule a callback. The person was completely unhelpful. No one at comcast could tell me if this email was real. The email address was a valid Xfinity address. A payment had bern made two days prior. So it seemed valid.
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
9 months ago
@liliwings thank you for using the Community Forum and bringing this issue to our attention so that we can help make sure as many customers as possible are aware of this issue. We do recommend you reach out to our Customer Security Assurance team in order to help them combat issues like this moving forward.
3 Messages
9 months ago
I received a few of these. They are scam. If you tap on the email in the from section where it says, it actually isn't from Xfinity. I've deleted my trash mail, but when i clicked on mine, it was some weird actual email.
1 Message
8 months ago
I have received similar messages and double checked my auto payment is valid and the credit card is up to date. When I click the sender's address, it shows up as [Edited: "Personal Information - Email Address"]. I tried to search that on the internet but no luck....
What a pain.....similarly I tried to contact xfinity and finally gave up after waiting too much of my time.