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4 Messages
Xfinity Stream keeps saying not on home network
I am trying to access live TV channels on the Xfinity Stream app and keep getting this message:
This device can only access xfinity stream on you in-home xfinity WiFi. Use the app on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop to watch on the go, anytime you like.
I am using the latest AppleTV device on tvOS 18.0.
I am on my home network. I have deregistered the AppleTV device and readded, signed out of the xfinity stream app and resigned in, deleted the xfinity stream app and resinstalled, forgot the wifi and reconnected, all with no improvement.
This all worked fine until a couple days ago.
1 Message
5 months ago
I am having the same issue and error message on our Roku. Widespread problem?
1 Message
4 months ago
I'm having the same issue on Roku TV, and then this morning my phone gave me the same error. I'm on my home network, albiet not using Xfinity hardware; using my own cable modem and mesh router. But shouldn't it just query the external IP and confirm that it is my home IP?
5 Messages
2 months ago
I have had this problem off and on for MONTHS when I stream from a MacBook Air, in web browser Safari. Works fine from my desktop iMac. BOTH devices are connected to the same WiFi network, at home. I can watch live TV on the iMac, but the MacBook gets the notice that I must connect to home Wifi. I AM connected.
In fact, If I start the live feed on my iMac, I can bring it up on the MacBook running the same tab in Safari.
I do not use Xfinity WiFi, I have my own Netgear Orbi mesh network. I DO use Xfinity modem for Internet connection and TV package.
I pay Comcast a lot of money every month. Why can't they fix this??