bebeg's profile



6 Messages

Friday, June 30th, 2023 6:25 PM


Streaming on computer and iphone

I am getting this message on my computer

Sorry, we're having some trouble

Xfinity Stream is not available at the moment. Please try back soon.

(Error TVAPP-00115)

And on my phone -

Sorry, we're having some trouble.

We can't load your Guide right now.  Please give us a few minutes and try again,

This has been happening for several hours .  It's not my wifi because all other streaming services are working.  It's just Xfinity

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Xfinity Stream App – Launch and Sign-in Issues

Official Employee


1K Messages

2 years ago

@bebeg Thank you for the detailed information in regard to error message you're receiving, and not having the same issue with other streaming services.


Does it give you the option to sign in and out of the App before receiving the error message or code? On your mobile device can you force close the App, then pull it back up? These are some great self-help options to troubleshoot the Xfinity Stream App.


On mobile devices/laptop/PCs, uninstalling and reinstalling the App is another option that has cleared errors for me. Here is a great article I found that has more self-help troubleshooting for the Xfinity Stream App: 



2 Messages

2 years ago

Having the same problem here.

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