

1 Message

Sunday, April 18th, 2021 8:10 PM


Streaming app ERROR TVAPP-00148

ERROR TVAPP-00148 keeps happening on Samsung TV. Never got a show to play. Any suggestions, outside of uninstalling, reinstalling , logging off, etc...

Tried all of these. ant help would be appreciated. 

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

4 years ago

Hello, @, thank you for reaching out in our forum and giving me a shot to help with your streaming issues. I use the Xfinity Stream app every day on my Samsung, so I totally get where you're coming from and have your back on this. It's such a great way to save on equipment costs 🙌! Are you able to confirm if you're able to access the app on other devices? I want to see if this is isolated to this device only. 



2 Messages

4 years ago

I have the same problem. Able to stream on other Samsung TVs in home. Just one continues to give the error code. 



2 Messages

4 years ago

Hi! was able to open my xfinity stream beta app since i purchased it 2 weeks ago, now I cant open it and erro 00148 is coming out. Please fix my subscripstion



1 Message

4 years ago

I am having the same issue on my samsung tv. Has been working fine and now getting this error message!!

Retired Employee


1.4K Messages

@user_48ca83, can you try the steps @user_db685c detailed in this post: https://comca.st/3B6CgAd.


"Turned tv on. Then pressed power button on remote until Samsung appeared on screen. Then let go off of power button. TV went off then on.  Xfinity app now works perfect."


Thank you!

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