Kathytokuda's profile

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Wednesday, October 28th, 2020 12:00 PM


Grandfathered into the $12per GB plan should I upgrade

Hi! I'm 73 and my wife and sister in law are all on the 1GB plan at Xfinity Mobile We have 2 iPhone 7plus and 1  8plus phones. Since we are almost always on Free WiFi, the 1 gig plan has worked fine for us for several years now. I was one of the first to switch to Xfinity Mobile, and have had very few issues with it. I am thinking of upgrading one of the 7Plus phones, (mine) to either the iPhone 11 Plus-Max 512 GB LTE, or the iPhone 12 Pro-Max 512 GB. The thing is I want to keep my $12 plan, and hear that it will be several years before 5G rolls out in the San Francisco Bay Area? My other large consideration is the Camera! I don't see much of any improvement in the Camera between the 11 and 12 pros. It appears the best deal I could make is with the iPhone 11Pro-Max. That is unless I am missing something here? Any help would be appreciated here. (Money is a large consideration to people living on small savings and Social Security, and I never download music or movies! James

Accepted Solution

Problem Solver


768 Messages

4 years ago

Yes, you definitely have figured it out and done the math and are a happy camper. Excellent. 

Please mark your post as Answered. 

Problem Solver


768 Messages

4 years ago

Upgrading any of your devices will not change your $12/GB plan and based on your usage I doubt that you want or need to upgrade so that you can get 5G speeds. 

Just so you know there are three levels of 5G service. The first level is similar to LTE, the mid level may be four to ten times faster, and the top level ultra wide-band is currently only available on some streets in major cities and in some stadiums and conference centers. 

  • "By the Gig" (pre-May 18, 2020 accounts): For customer accounts established before May 18, 2020, a minimum of $12.00 will be charged per account per month for lines on the "By-the-Gig" data option regardless of the amount of data used across the "By-the-Gig" lines on the account. Customers further will have the option to purchase, for a flat monthly fee, buckets of data that are shareable on up to five "By-the-Gig" lines. Customers that exceed the monthly amount of data in their shareable bucket will be charged $12 for each GB or partial GB of data overage, or may opt to move to a bucket with more data. In order to access 5G mobile broadband networks on their 5G devices, customers must switch to the $15 rate per GB plan. 

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

4 years ago

Than you for this info. I was wondering what the difference was. I did just order 2 new iphones and I have been with Xfinity Mobile since launch basically. I just switched from 3xlines unlimted to 3x 10GB shared. Brought my bill way down and allowed me to add these 2 new device payments. I should have don that a long time ago. I assume they would not make me chnage to 5G after buying a 5G phone. LTE is fine and I am usually on wifi anyway. 

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