pyro-1's profile

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9 Messages

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 8:00 PM


Does Xfinity mobile support dual sims phones ?

I'm tired of carrying around 2 phones all day one for biz and one for personal use. 

Considering Xfinity mobile sells dual sims phones like the Google Pixels the Galaxy Notes and S20 along with iPhones and also supports bring your own phones. 


Wondering does xfinity support dual sims ?

Has anyone been able to get it to work with both lines and sims  coming from xfinity ?

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767 Messages

4 years ago

Yes and No. XM supports dual sim phones, however I am not aware of any dual sim phone that supports more than one CDMA carrier at a time, therefore you cannot have two XM lines on the same phone. This could change when XM/Verizon finally drops their CDMA network and provisioning in 2021 or 2022. Also, since XM does not support eSIMs you would need to have a device that has dual physical  SIMs. 

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