Joe_Banana's profile

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7 Messages

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 1:02 PM


Xfinity Hotspots App from App Store - Authorization Failed Unspecified

Why is your technical support for this App and the above error so naive and/or incompetent?  Spent almost two hours being passed around yesterday with so-called experts saying the problem was with a hotspot when I continually told them it was an App issue and no one wanted to take responsibility for fixing the problem?

Here’s the situation:  The Hotspots App works fine on my iPad, but I cannot login to the App on my iPhone unless I do a factory reset.  However, that fix is only temporary and the above authorization error will reappear.  Last person I spoke with was doing a server reset for my account, but it obviously failed this morning.

Apparently, this is a systemic issue, based on recent internet postings and App Store reviews with many users, yet Xfinity apparently lacks the technical expertise to fix this issue.  Why?

Again, the problem is logging in with the Xfinity Hotspots App, not with a specific hotspot.  Ask me what you need to finally fix this issue, not just for me, but for MANY frustrated users.

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

11 months ago

BTW:  My ticket number for yesterday’s fiasco is [Edited: Personal Information].


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