2 Messages

Saturday, October 12th, 2024 7:22 AM

Xfinity App not showing gateway/wifi tabs

I went to an Xfinity retail store asking for an upgrade from XB7 to XB8 today. I installed the XB8 right after I was back home, it just kept blinking white light after powering on for a while.

Then I asked an online representative for help. I gave her the CM MAC of my XB8, she told me the device was offline.

She told me she would do the following steps, "First, I will install the modem, activate it, send the refresh signals, and restart it from my end. Within 30 minutes, the modem will start working."

After 30 minutes, there are still Overview and Account tabs in my Xfinity app(no device sections under the Account tab either). 

I accessed the https://customer.xfinity.com/#/devices to check my device, the XB8 is there and the serial number is the same as the one I am using.

When I connected to the WiFi SSID of XB8, a window popped out showing that I needed to download Xfinity App to activate the device.

I log in to the XB8 admin website( to check the status, I can see the Internet is Active under XFINITY network section, and there is a public IP for it.

According to this comment in the other thread and my investigation, it seems that the XB8 is activated(or bonded?) under my account on the Xfinity side, but my profile on Xfinity app has not been refreshed yet?

It's almost 3 hours after the representative sent the refresh signals, still no gateway/wifi tabs on the app, there is no way for me to activate the XB8 on the Xfinity app.

I have tried uninstall and install the Xfinity app.

I have tried resetting the XB8 to the factory settings and it is not in bridge mode.

Is there any way to "refresh" my profile on the Xfinity side? Please help.

Accepted Solution

2 Messages

5 months ago

I have solved this issue on my own.

The problem was that I had to activate the XB8 modem in the Xfinity app, but there were only Overview and Account tabs in my Xfinity app. The XB8 kept blinking white light.

There is another way to access the activation page,

  1. Go to Xfinity Assitant page
  2. Type "Talk to representative", the assistant will respond with some options
  3. Select "Activation questions", the assistant will respond with some options
  4. Select "Activate in the Xfinity App". Now the app will redirect to the activation page
  5. Press "Get started", then scan the QR code of the gateway or enter manually, setup the WiFi SSID and password
  6. Wait for a couple of minutes to get finished
  7. Try to connect the WiFi SSID you just set to see if you can use the internet. If you can browse any website, it works!
  8. I noticed that the XB8 was still blinking white light, and there were still only Overview and Account tabs in my Xfinity app
  9. Unplug the XB8 and plug it back in. Wait a couple of minutes to let it start. The XB8 should only be on a stable white light eventually.
  10. Go to the Xfinity App, you should be able to see the "Services" and "WiFi"  tabs!

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

5 months ago

@user_ao086k Welcome to our community forum! Thank you for bringing your questions to our attention then taking the time to circle back and share your solution with the whole community :). It's contributors like you who allow the forum to thrive. 


We are available here every day for support and you can always manage your account, troubleshoot, and get help through the Xfinity app. Thank you for your continued loyalty and I hope you have a great rest of your day!

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