

2 Messages

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 5:54 PM


Xfinity App: Chat and the Advanced operation DMZ and Port Forwarding act as if disabled on Android devices running Android 10, 12, 13

New Xfinity Customer as of Sunday.  xFi gateway.  Loaded Xfinity App on each of my three Android devices:  Lenovo tablet running Android 10.  Pixel 3a running Android 12.  Samsung Tab A tablet running Android 13.  Xfinity App has the same broken function which exhibits itself in the same way on all three devices.

Chat:  invoking chat transitions to a new screen where you get three rotating dots, after 2-3 seconds it transition to a blank screen and just sits there.  I.e. it doesn't seem to connect to the chat service and/or accomplish a needed handshake between the service and my device.  So all I ever get is a blank screen.

Port Forwarding and DMZ operations:  when I navigate through to the Advanced Settings page in which these operation are listed, pressing these two operations either act as disabled (doesn't navigate to another screen) or brings up an "Something unexpected happened ... try again" screen.    All other advanced operation functions on this page navigate to their proper configuration page.

A technician came out today and confirmed my issues even after we uninstalled and reinstalled the application.  We then used his iPhone to connect to my network and log into my account via the Xfinity app on his iPhone.  All of the above operations were functional on his iPhone and hence I was able to successfully set up my forwarded ports using the non-Android device.

Based on this it pretty clear that the Android Xfinity App needs serious work to give it equivalent function as Apple/iOS.   I would be happy to provide additional details to help you improve your support on Android.  Of particular concern is that chat is broken as that greatly limits my ability to communicate issues with Xfinity.  Also seems counterproductive and a poor workaround to have to get an Xfinity technician to show up at my door so I can borrow his iPhone to configure my network/router.  So hopefully there is some motivation to attend to this.



106K Messages

1 year ago

Concern moved here to the Xfinity App help section for assistance. 



2 Messages

1 year ago

Update.  After I updated the chat with Xfinity support I was having instigating in Facebook Messenger they got back to me and suggested I check/make sure my default browser is set to Chrome.  I use a Chrome derivative by default.  Switch the default back to Chrome fixed the "chat going to blank screen problem".  Though the Port Forward and DMZ operations still appear disabled in the app (they still don't navigate to the appropriate screens when clicked on in the app even after the Chrome default switch) because the Chat operation works I can now use the workaround to access.  If you haven't heard of the workaround its:

1) From the app invoke Chat

2) In the Chat assistant, type "Port Forward"

3) Of the choices provided, choose "Network"

4) Of the next set of choices provided, choose "Advanced Options"

5) This will present the same list of advanced options as in the app.  Select Port forward or DMZ and you will be taken to the appropriate setup page.

My advice to Xfinity is 3:

1) Add a check in the app to see if Chrome is the default browser and warn a user if it is not.

2) Fix the app so you can invoke DMZ and Port Forward operation directly on Android

3) In the meantime, write and post a short troubleshooting XFinity App on Android white paper that describes the known issues, things to check and workarounds.



342 Messages

Hello @user_98120f thank you for reaching out through our forum. I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with the Xfinity app.

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

Click the "Direct Messaging" icon or https://comca.st/3EqVMu7

Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there

 - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list

 - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

Press Enter to send it


See https://comca.st/3KQF8q9 for an example.

I no longer work for Comcast. 

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