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6 Messages

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 5:00 AM


xfi Advanced Security and Google Nest WiFi

How can I use xFi Advanced Security and Google Nest WiFi since the xFi modem should be set to bridge mode?  Will Google Nest WiFI work if the xFi modem bridge mode is disabled?  What setting need to be changed in the modem if bridge mode is disabled so that it does not interfer with the Google Nest WiFi?

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109.2K Messages

4 years ago

@Gambit66 wrote:

As far as I know, your comcast modem has to be in bridge mode to hook up your own WiFi router. Otherwise your personal WiFi router won`t work.

Oh, it'll work. But if you are hanging a stand-alone / separate router off of the gateway device, and the gateway is not in *bridge mode*, you are cascading 2 routing devices which results in an undesirable "double NAT" condition on your home network.

Google "double NAT" for info about its potential pitfalls.

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341 Messages

4 years ago

Xfi does not work with the modem in bridge mode. Bridge mode is for connecting your own wifi router to the modem. Xfi is not antivirus software!

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6 Messages

4 years ago

I am using the Google Nest WiFi as my router hence the bridge mode.  I know xFi by itself does not do antivirus, but Comcast now claims I don't need their Norton Antivirus because their offering of xFI Advanced Security provides all the the antivirus coverage of Norton.  Comcast requires their xFI modem to be set with bridge mode disabled for their Advanced Security to work.  So my question remains, can I use Google Nest WiFI with the xFI modem set with the bridge mode disabled?  I have the WiFi turned off in the xFI modem and only use one wired LAN ethernet to connect the Google Nest WiFi to the xFI modem.  So will I be experiencing setting conflicts such as double NAT and probably double DNS between the Google router and the xFi router, unless there is a way to turn off these conflicting settings while keeping the xFi modem with bridged disabled.

Problem Solver


341 Messages

4 years ago

As far as I know, your comcast modem has to be in bridge mode to hook up your own WiFi router. Otherwise your personal WiFi router won`t work.

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6 Messages

4 years ago

Thanks for you answer.


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6 Messages

4 years ago

Thank you, that is what I thought.  Is there any problem with DNS?  I would set the DNS to the same settings in both the Google WiFi and the gateway.  I will experiment and see how it goes.


It would be great if the modem had a way to disable the NAT but still allow the so called advanced security features being advertised by Comcast (of which I am somewhat skeptical.)

Problem Solver


341 Messages

4 years ago

@roghitch  So whats the point of all this? Xfi is not Anti Virus protection, in fact it does little to nothing for your security. And only works on the comcast modem out of bridge mode. If it`s anything like comcast old constant guard. It`ll be a  burden with constant warnings about your comcast modem that mean nothing. Most WiFi routers have an app to use with them if your wanting to monitor your connections. Best thing is to just leave the Comcast Modem in bridge mode-WiFi off, and use your own more advanced WiFi router.

JUst saying!

Problem Solver


341 Messages

4 years ago

@roghitch  Xfi so called security antivirus, when active, and only active in the Comcast modem itself not in bridge mode. Does not secure your personal WiFi router, nor does secure your Computer or other devices. Comcast thinks that there Comcast Modem security can stop and prevent threats at the modem from ever reaching your personal devices. This is not the case! Totally impossible, and causes so much blocking you might as well go back to paper catalogs for browsing, and snail mail for communicating! 😀 Not worth the trouble! Best bet would be to get a free and/or buy a highly rated antivirus software to keep your devices safe. Norton is offering a free 6 month extended trial for all comcast customers. Should give people plenty of time to choose one to protect their devices.

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6 Messages

4 years ago

Comcast seems to imply that xFi Advanced Secruity is replacing  the Norton Antivirus that Comcast provided as part of their internet package.  So are you saying that this is not the case?


The point is that I want antivirus protection.  If their advanced security featureis not providing antivirus protection equivalent to what Norton provided, then they are not being truthful in their advertising.


I also do not want to duplicate the antivirus function if Comcast is indeed providing it.


I have investigated and cannot find any clear information on exactly antivirus functions this so called advanced security provides.  This is why I am asking about this.  Thanks for your patience in responding.

Regular Visitor


6 Messages

4 years ago

Thanks for the information.  Looks like I will have to find a replacement for Norton and leave the modem in bridge mode.

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