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11 Messages
When will the PBS App be available on xfinity X1 boxes?
Since the second week of November 2024, I have noticed that my X1 cable boxes list "PBS App" as a way to view some programs, but when I choose "Launch PBS App, a box pops up stating "Give us a few minutes. We're having trouble opening this app. Please give us a few minutes and try again." Included is the error code APPS 04154. I have been trying to launch the PBS app for a week now, but keep getting the above message and error code.
This is exciting news if it means the PBS App will be available on the X1 platform. However, because it is not working right now, I am not able to see most programming that would be available via the PBS On Demand, because these programs are listed as being available on the PBS App.
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
2 months ago
I have read that some things are in the works to add the PBS app, but am not seeing it listed on our available apps list just yet. It may be appearing in preparation for the introduction.
Official Employee
688 Messages
3 months ago
Good evening @zhappychef. Have you completed any troubleshooting steps with your X1 box?
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 months ago
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