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3 Messages
What speeds should I expect on Wifi with the 1GB speed plan.
I just got my xFi modem and the 1GB plan and I am getting 940mb if I am connected via an ethernet cable, but much lower if connected via wifi. I was wondering what should be my expectation if I am connected through wifi. Let's say that it is the best case scenario and I physically have my laptop resting on top of the modem, nobody else is connected and I go to XFinity's speedtest page. In that scenario, what speed should I expect to see?
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
For curiosity, was that via a WiFi connection or via hardwired ethernet ?
New Poster
3 Messages
5 years ago
Thanks for the reply, @EG, my question was regarding wifi. If I can ask the same in return, are the speeds mentioned in the DSLReport link referring to wifi or hardwired? I am pretty sure that I am not interpreting those results property.
FWIW, I usually get 940mbps when hardwired.
New Poster
3 Messages
5 years ago
Thanks @CCAndrew, your reply touches on the answer that I have had a really hard time getting and it is not due to a lack of trying. I have spoken with several people at Xfinity and nobody has been able to answer it and I rather surprised because I just assumed that it was a really easy question. I don't mean that in a sarcastic or snarky way, but I really thought that it was a question that Iwould be an easy one for anybody in sales or tech support
If I can rephrase it using your response, XFinity does guarantee the speed if I am connected via an ethernet connection and on the website it give a specific number of 940mbs. When it comes to connecting via wifi, there is no mention anywhere as to what speeds I should expect. Now, I do get it tha there are a number of factors involved, but it can't be completely unknowable. After all, technicians that do the installs must have a feel for what speeds people get when they finish installing xFi and have the customer run a speed test. It is also xFinity's product and service, so it couldn't be a mystery to them. The skeptic in me wonders it is not mentioned anywhere because it is much lower than 1GB, but I would be suprised if that were the case.
What I am really trying to find out is whether I should expect to get the full 1GB over wifi or should i expect wifi to be 30% or 50% of the 1GB potential. I could run speedtest, but it would only tell me what I am getting and I have no idea to know if that is low or high compared to what I should be getting. I have not had luck yet in finding out, but hopefully here somebody might know.
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
Realistically, it’s going to boil down to the device being used(and operating systems). Examples, an iPad will never see Gig, an iPhone 8 is faster than an iphone6, a high end laptop/Mac is going to outperform an older PC. To a tech, it doesn’t matter about speeds on Wi-Fi because there are so many variables, they can really only help with Wi-Fi coverage.
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
O/k sorry for the confusion but my question wasn't being directed at you. I quoted and was asking the poster @RobertWy
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
O/k so what does your example prove ? You always get better speeds with ethernet. The OP wants to know what to expect with WiFi.....