Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 11:47 AM


User Profiles for Kids - Manually Block Whenever (Non-Scheduled)?

I am a new customer with xFi Complete. I'm reading about Profiles. What I want to do is create something for my kids so that I can block their internet usage until they complete their chores. I want to be able to do this manually whenever I want and not based solely on a schedule (they will out-wait any scheduled outage. Trust me). So, if one of them doesn't mow the lawn when he was asked, I can manually block access until he gets the lawn mowed. Is this possible with Profiles? If so, how?

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11 months ago

@OSUAlum94 Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us here on our Community Forum. We would recommend going here (https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/xfinity-xfi-manage-profiles), go to the section labeled 'Pause All Devices', this will explain further how you can pause a person for a specific amount of time (for example, 30 minutes, one hour or two hours) or indefinitely until you choose to unpause the device(s).

1 Message

@XfinityBenjaminM​ I'm trying to do this and I don't have the option to pause devices with the xb8 router. How do I get that back?

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