jwmissionbay's profile

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7 Messages

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020 1:00 PM


IP reputation attacks after Advanced Security was rolled out

Last week I received the automatic upgrade to Advanced Security that was rolled out to many customers. Since then I have been getting several XFi notifications about an IP reputation attack (similar to another customer who recently posted here) coming from Russia and Germany via our Dish Network hopper. They were all blocked, but I’d like to know how to prevent it. I called Dish and they were unable to help. I called Xfinity tech support and was given a couple of options, none of which resolved it. Here is what I tried:

1. Restarted the Dish receiver AND my Xfinity Gateway modem.
2. Changed my network SSID and password.
3. Checked for open ports through XFi. There were none on any of my devices.

I’m also wondering if these attempted attacks have been going on for a while, and only now are we becoming aware of them since getting Advanced Security. It’s nice to know AS is blocking the intrusions but also unnerving to get daily notifications about them. Saying “Action required! Danger! Threats!...”

I know I’m not the only one having these issues. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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7 Messages

5 years ago

Also wanted to point out that I paused my device (hopper) that is connected to my home WiFi. That didn’t help. I still get notifications about the attempted attacks.

Official Employee


2.3K Messages

5 years ago

jwmissionbay -- I'm happy to take a look at your account to review and can let you know when I have additional information.  Thank you outlining the steps you have already taken.  You mentioned pausing the device, but still receiving notifications -- do you know what time you had paused the device?  

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

I paused the device on the evening of Jan 13, and it stayed paused, however we still got a notification about an attempted threat on the afternoon of the 14th. Advanced Security blocked it.

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

The attacks are still happening from all over Europe. The only way to stop them is by pausing my Dish Hopper on our WiFi network.. But I don’t want to do that because we watch Netflix through it and Dish needs to be able to push and retrieve updates. Another customer on this forum is having similar issues, and like him, I’m wondering how to stop these attacks and if you have any new info to share from your engineers. Also I assume this has been happening a while and we’re just now learning about it since Advanced Security was rolled out? Please advise...thank you.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Hello! We are experiencing the same thing with multiple threats over the past 48 hours. Part of the recommended process to “fix” the problem is to close open ports on my Dish device. I can’t find where I would do this or know why there are multiple ports open. If you are able to explain what is happening and how I can fix it so we can continue to use Dish and WiFi together, I would be appreciative.

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

Hi KJMoss, unfortunately we weren’t able to figure out the port issue on our Hopper. Dish customer service said there weren’t any open ports on our system. For now, we just have to disable WiFi on the Hopper when we don’t need it (to avoid the attacks and notifications) then temporarily enable it when we want to watch Netflix. It doesn’t look like there is much we can do at the moment.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Well, poo. Thanks for your help. I guess we will just turn everything off before bed each night since most of our attacks seem to be happening between 1am and 4am.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I am having the same problem. If the Hopper 2 is connected to the gateway then the hopper will freeze whenever there is a malicious threat, sometimes several times a day, and I have to reset the Hopper. I have had Dish technical support working both remotely and through 2 home visits but it is still happening. Surely there must be a solution!

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I am experiencing similar issues regarding my Hopper device and now my Hopper is not updating properly and I have lost the ability to view my recordings in the DVR mode. Dish said that my security on my WiFi is blocking their attempts to make updates.
I keep getting threat notifications in the early hours of the morning and it’s been happening all week now. I’m not happy

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

I ended up disabling advanced security on our WiFi. Problem solved (well, not really...) I never heard a word from Comcast tech support.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I haven’t heard anything from Comcast/Xfinity at all. I’m seriously thinking about cancelling my service with them! Appalling!

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

Now the internet will not connect to my Dish Hopper at all!



108.5K Messages

5 years ago

Try disabling the Xfi Advanced security and see;




New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I started getting these types of notifications a few nights ago. I ran the IP address and it's Echostar aka Dish Network. I assume it's attempting updates to my Hopper. It's the same first 8 of the IP address but the last digits are different with the same port. I can individually allow each IP for 30 days but can't seem to find a way to whitelist the whole IP so that updates for Dish can happen as they should. Additionally, the "fix" for this is a joke. There's no directions, just a list of three different things to do without instructions for how to do them.


I hate to turn off the Advanced Security altogether but that may be what happens if I can't find a suitable solution to this. It's almost as if Comcast is doing this on purpose? They should make it easier for us to whitelist specific IPs permanently.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Hi All,

I'm a Dish Employee with Xfinity and getting same messages on my Hopper.

Will see if I can connect with software group and get a better answer.

I am also thinking its the nightly pay-per-view check or maybe this is software downloads that are pinging the ports.

We do have a european SW group so maybe these checks do come from Europe.

Again...no promises but maybe I can reach someone from inside.



New Poster


4 Messages

What's the word? This is still happening and I KNOW it shouldn't be a problem. Xfinity should NOT be labelling these as attacks.

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