Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 8:33 PM


Can’t unblock device

Hello! I am an Xfinity customer and I accidentally blocked a device from my wifi. How can I re-add this device? I cannot find it anywhere in the app to re-add it 



106K Messages

10 months ago

Concern moved here to the Xfinity App help section for assistance.

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

10 months ago

@user_2kgbxl Thank you so much for your post for help with re-adding a device to your home Wi-Fi network! We have a few options to stop an unwanted device from connecting but not the traditional blocking. By chance do you recall if you Paused the Device or Forgot a device? If just forgotten the device can reconnect like a brand new connection by forgetting your wifi network on the device and then locating it again as if it was the first time then log back in with your Wifi password. If you paused a device you would need to un pause it before it can resume using your connection. Check out this page here for information on both options. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/personalize-customize-hnetwork-xfi
(edited: Spelling)


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