Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 5:20 PM

Blocking websites

I have spent the better part of two hours looking throughout the xfinity forums trying to find out how to block certain websites from being accessed on my wifi and connected devices. The majority of the pages are vastly unhelpful. I am under the impression that the only (and probably best way to do this) is to access the admin settings via the sign-in page. However, I have an Xfinity Gateway (Model: XB8) and therefore, I do not have a login to this page? 
Since I have an xfi router, I am supposed to be able to do this somehow via the 'Parental Controls'? But there is no way for me to edit these parental controls, and supposedly these only apply to search engines by turning on the appropriate 'safe search' feature for that search engine. 

Can someone please help me out? Where could I find my admin login (If I even have one) to the page? I think that would be the best answer for my problem, but I may not have that luxury? 

Also, please do not post any links to other pages. Xfinity constantly moves the contents of its site around, so any links that are posted (Even ones on other community responses for this issue) do not work and do not provide any actual help. 

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

3 months ago


user_ja0lxs, Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I can definitely understand wanting to block certain websites and how to find the admin login page. You've come to the right place. We are team of exerts who are dedicated to helping with solutions to admin log in concerns such as this. We can help. To log in with a laptop, phone, or tablet that’s connected to your network, open a web browser and go to the Admin Tool as you mentioned at the page You will see the log in menu like how it appears in this link here. As for blocking access, we offer our Advanced Security which can be turned on multiple ways through the Xfinity app like in this link here. Please let me know if this helps.

If Advanced Security detects a known threat targeted for the device with Port Forwarding, DMZ settings enabled or UPnP open ports, it will block all traffic coming from its open ports as a measure of protection until the security risk is averted. If you are unable to access a device from outside your home network, you have two options:

  • Allow Access: In the Xfinity app, tap on the Security tab and then Advanced Security to view the security risk Dashboard.
    • Find the list of security risks, identify the unauthorized access attempt for the device you want to provide access to, and follow the instructions to Allow Access.
    • We recommend that you only use Allow Access when you are confident about who is accessing the device from outside the home network.
    • Note that the Allow Access feature will only permit access to the specific device you choose on the specified port using a specific source IP address for 30 days from the time you enable it.
  • Disable Advanced Security: Alternatively, you can choose to turn off Advanced Security.
    • We do not recommend that you turn off Advanced Security, as this removes Advanced Security’s protections from all of your devices.
    • If you need access to a specific device, we recommend you keep Advanced Security turned on and follow the steps above to Allow Access on a device-by-device basis.


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