

1 Message

Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 3:10 PM


Are you missing comcast junk folder with new iphone?

I hope people can find this because this is my first post here and not sure where to actually put this info.  All of the posts that had something in relation to needing this info are closed so I couldn't comment on them.

I had this "no junk folder" problem with my new Iphone 14 pro max. With the new phone, my Comcast in-box had only "In" and "Trash" folders.  No "Junk" folder. I searched for answers all over the place and went on a goose chase with no resolution.  But I figured it out today.


I had to wait until I received an email in my Comcast in box that I wanted to designate as "Junk".  When I did, I swiped the email gently to the left, clicked the grey option with "..." (three dots) "More", then when the options screen comes up, swiped down until you see "Move to Junk".  Click there... then bam! instant Junk folder :)

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