Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 4:12 PM

Access unauthorized

I am getting this kind of issue.. I just installed moderm wifi in home. But while accessing application its throwing this error:

You signed in successfully, but you must be an Xfinity user to enjoy this service.

Kindly help me out this

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

24 days ago



Thanks for reaching out to us,  we're excited to have you join the xfinity family!


 Sound like you haven’t  created your xfinity user id yet, this link  https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/create-xfinity-username has great information on to create your xfinity ID so you can start enjoy your services and our awesome xfinity app https://www.xfinity.com/apps


 let me know if this information is helpful

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