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Friday, December 28th, 2018 9:00 AM


ANSWERED: Xfinity X1 Boxes and IR Locations

The purpose of this document is meant to be a reference to IR (infrared) receiver locations on the lineup of XFINITY X1 Set-Top Boxes. Each type of STB will be listed with a picture of the device, a yellow marker indicating where the IR receiver is, and a brief description of the device along with its connection interfaces.

XG1 Devices

Arris XG1v1 – Manufacturer model # MX011ANM/MX011ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out.

Arris XG1v3 – Manufacturer model # AX013ANM/AX013ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out.

Pace XG1v1 – Manufacturer model # PX001ANM/PX001ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out. Component Video Out.


Pace XG1v3 – Manufacturer model # PX013ANM/PX013ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out.

Arris XG1v1 – Manufacturer model # AX11RANM/AX11RANC. IR target indicated with white dot in the center of the yellow box outline. This model has 1 RF In. 1 RF Out, 1 HDMI Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, SPDIF Out.

XG2 Devices

Samsung XG2 – Manufacturer model # SX022ANM/SX022ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out.

Pace XG2 – Manufacturer model # PX022ANM/PX022ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out.

Xi Devices

Pace Xi3 – Manufacturer model # PX032ANI. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has one RF input and one HDMI output.

Pace XiD – Manufacturer model # PXD01ANI. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has one RF input, one RF output and one HDMI output.

Cisco XiD – Manufacturer model # CXD01ANI. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has one RF input, one RF output and one HDMI output.

Use an IR Extender to Control Your TV Box Without Line of Sight

How it Works

If you want to keep your TV Box or TV Adapter out of sight and still use your remote control to change channels, you’ll need to use an IR extender or IR receiver. An IR extender or IR receiver is included with your TV Adapter equipment.

Not all of our equipment comes with an IR receiver. If your equipment didn't come with an IR extender, one can be purchased from a third-party retailer.

To use it, connect the IR extender to the IR In input on the back of the TV Box or TV Adapter. Put the other end of the IR extender somewhere that allows a direct line of sight between it and the remote.

If you have an Xfinity X1 main TV Box or Player, you can use the XR2/XR5 remote control with Aim Anywhere control (RF capability) even if they are stored in a closet or another room, up to 50 feet away. Your XR2/XR5 remote control must be paired with your X1 Player for this feature to function.

If your XR2/XR5 remote has not been paired to your X1 Player, see the instructions for pairing your remote and TV Box.


  • Secondary X1 TV Boxes or Player Mini’s cannot be set up to use the RF capability.
  • With some TV Boxes, connecting the IR extender disables the RF input on the front of the TV Box.
    • To avoid this, disconnect the IR extender from the TV Box when you’re not using it.

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