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Official Employee


90 Messages

Thursday, November 16th, 2017 10:00 AM


ANSWERED: How to solve these common Xfinity TiVo Error Codes

***Created by our Community***


  • Error Message: "Unable to retrieve DiscoveryConfiguration object, failed to retrieve scan configuration from AVSDB"
  • Explanation: AVSDB is an external database that holds all information for autodiscovery to complete. Error means that the Cardio server coud not reach the external AVSDB server
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.



  • Error Message: "Discovery Configuration object is null, failed to retrieve scan configuration from AVSDB"
  • Explanation: AVSDB is an external database that holds all information for autodiscovery to complete. Error means that the Cardio server did not get a ControllerId from the Cable Card that is required to communicate with the AVSDB. 
  • Resolution: Please validate the ControllerId is on the Cable Card for Cisco/SA VOD sites and for Motorola VOD sites. To do this follow these directions:
    • From live tv press the Tivo button on top of Tivo remote to enter the Tivo user interface
    • Select settings and messages
    • Select Remote, CableCARD and devices
    • Select CableCARD decoder
    • Select CableCARD options
    • Select CableCARD menu
    • Select CISCO CableCARD/Host ID screen
    • Verify CTRLID - 19XX (whatever site controllerId is) If this value is missing then the cableCARD and STB need to be paired correctly



  • Error Message: "Scan Config list from AVSDB is NULL or empty"
  • Explanation: Information in the AVSDB is empty
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.



  • Error Message: "TSID Scan Exception"
  • Explanation: Problem with TSIDs (transport stream id) for autodiscovery
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.



  • Error Message: "ERROR: Controller Id/ Vct Id ERROR Response"
  • Explanation: Problem with controllerId as VCTId is not utilized by AVSDB /Cardio anymore
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.



  • This error code is no longer used



  • Error Message: "srvrlist is null. App Start Failure"
  • Explanation: Problem with AVSDB not returning SGS IP Information for a VOD site
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.



  • Error Message: "Error occurred in retrieving TSIDs from the TCD"
  • Explanation: TCD (Tivo Cardio Device = STB )not able to send up tsids to the Cardio server
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.


  • Error Message: "Failed to resolve tuner conflict by continuing with recording"
  • Explanation: Turner conflict error
  • Resolution: If either GSM-9 or GSM-10 are encountered it will indicate a very rare race condition or an incompatibility between the Cardio version and TCD firmware version. There's really nothing that can be done, though if either of them occur frequently or consistently it most likely indicates a low level bug/problem with either Cardio or the TCD firmware. Recommend customer escalate to Tivo NOC as TCD firmware comes from them.


  • Error Message: "Failed to resolve tuner conflict by continuing with VOD"
  • Explanation: Turner conflict error
  • Resolution: If either GSM-9 or GSM-10 are encountered it will indicate a very rare race condition or an incompatibility between the Cardio version and TCD firmware version. There's really nothing that can be done, though if either of them occur frequently or consistently it most likely indicates a low level bug/problem with either Cardio or the TCD firmware. Recommend customer escalate to Tivo NOC as TCD firmware comes from them.


  • Error Message: "TransportStreamIdMappingsGetAesRequest (TSID Request) timed out"
  • Explanation: Cardio server requested TSID scan from cable card and timed out waiting for a response
  • Resolution: Usually this is a problem with network in customer home/slow modem/slow internet. For information on how to reduce Internet slow-downs please see this article:


  • Error Message: "ControllerIdVctIdAesRequest timed out"
  • Explanation: Cardio server requested ControllerId from cable card and timed out waiting for a response. Cardio no longer uses the VCTId
  • Resolution: Usually this is a problem with network in customer home/slow modem/slow internet. For information on how to reduce Internet slow-downs please see this article:


  • Error Message: "JModManager initialization did not occur - timeout"
  • Explanation: JMOD is used by Seachange on SGS servers, error indicates that it did not initialize
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.


  • Error Message: "Failed to register for tuner conflict events, exiting"
  • Explanation: Tuner conflict error
  • Resolution: Recommend customer escalate to Tivo, Tuner conflict would be a STB issue


  • Error Message: "DNCS returned with no ServiceGroup Information"
  • Explanation: DNCS/VSRM no responding to request for Service Group information by Cardio server
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.


  • Error Message: "Multiple DNCS IPs returned"
  • Explanation: Indicates that cable card is communicating with more than one DNCS/VSRM
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.



  • Error Message: "Sorry you are having difficulty, please try your selection again."
  • Explanation: Usually indicates issues with autodiscovery completing normally when Stream Setup first begins.
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.


Err-2 or %lm2

  • Error Message: This is the default message when system is unable to match another error code to issue
  • Explanation: Usually this indicates a problem with UDB recognizing account or mac address of cable card
  • Resolution: Please make a new post if you are experiencing this issue. Our Official Employees will get this escalated to the correct team to resolve this issue for you.


TiVo Specific Errors (Errors starting with V or S)

  • Error Message: Various
  • Explanation: The problem depends on the error code but generally these errors are NOT related to the cable card but to network issues or problems with the Tivo STB itself.
  • Resolutions: is a good support page for Tivo to type in common error codes to get specific information about errors relating to Tivo STB/network itself.
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