5 Messages
Xfinity Mobile 5th generation Taxes and Fees for Existing Customers
We have 6 lines on our account on the 4th generation plan ($15/gig data or $30/month for unlimited intro). I was chatting with an Xfinity Mobile supervisor (via telephone) to ask what the fees and taxes would be on the new 5th generation plan and was told that we would pay nothing. I questioned this as the fee disclosure on the website states that UCC/government regulatory recovery fees and taxes are additional, but the representative was adamant that we would not pay any fees.
Essentially, for our 6 lines it would be $40 plus $20 for the other 5 lines, for a total of $140/month with NO additional taxes or fees. I questioned her again and she said that this is an offer only for existing customers and does not apply to for new customers (which is what is on the website).
Based on this, I had her switch us over, so I will eagerly await our next bill to see if this is true, as the fees are $6.43 total, which is almost double what we are currently paying. Really hoping this is true, but can anyone else confirm this?
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
8 months ago
Thank you for your post. As far as I have seen, we have never covered the taxes and fees for an Xfinity Mobile line. I would love the opportunity to look over your account, order, and notes. Please, send a DM to Xfinity Support with your name and address.
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2 Messages
8 months ago
I too would like to know if we're going to be charged such high fees if we "upgrade" from unlimited intro.
5 Messages
8 months ago
Hi everyone. I received our first bill on the "new" 5th generation plan, and our total taxes and fees were just under $30, which is $5/line. I understand that this could go up based on usage (we are well below the 30gb/line in priority data threshold), so will let everyone know how this changes over time.
Overall, we are paying $140 for the base unlimited plan for 6 lines plus ~$30/month for taxes for a total of ~$28/line. This a few dollars more per month than Visible (also on Verizon), which is $25/month or 8% less if paid annually (including taxes and fees). Xfinity is a slightly better plan, as it offers priority data and Mexico/Canada roaming, plus they offer device discounts. For those looking, US Mobile is another great option for low-cost data options (T-mobile and Verizon options).