Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 7:03 PM


Why isn't tethering separated from all data

We had an awful experience trying to work remote from the lake. We have the Unlimited Intro plan which limits tethering speeds to 3G. We never got above .4mbps while tethered which makes it completely unusable in 2023.

I looked into upgrading to Unlimited Plus which advertises 5G tethering speeds within the first 5GB of data. How does that help at all? For example, I'm just over 5GB of my 20GB "unlimited" plan. So if I switched to Plus, it would not give me faster tethering speeds as it sees the tether 5GB the same as the rest. Why would I ever think of upgrading service when it won't help at all with the tethering speeds?

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1 year ago

Hi, @blueyedesign! Thanks for spending your time to reach out to XFINITY over our forums' page for help with the tethering inquiry and for patiently waiting for a response. Great question. When I would tether on my mobile device, I would wonder the same thing. We can help. 

If someone on a mobile network tethers they will gobble far more data than even a heavy smartphone user. That's why carriers like us have those limits in place, and why carriers like Verizon didn't even allow tethering early in the flush of unlimited data plans. As far as switching, this would only be great if you don’t normally use more than 5 GB of data. Make sense so far?


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