Lkpolo's profile

Problem Solver


502 Messages

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020 11:00 AM


Update payment method

I tried to update my card twice on the mobile app and once on the website but the mobile app is still saying my card is expiring soon. I got a hold of someone on the phone who transferred me to someone else. I got no one else just a recording. I called again and left my callback number. Still haven’t heard from anyone but I need to update my card on a system that will update or reach someone without getting hung up. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you



277 Messages

5 years ago

Look at Billing on line ( which requires your login.


There you will find 2 links under Payment Method (CArd details which then displays the Card KInd and the last 4 digits, next to it is Update Card which allows you to change evrything about the card.)


Be sure to log out, close your browser and the be certain all the details are correct. Note: There is a different process for your cable bill.



277 Messages

5 years ago

Glad you found a solution, I have never had a broblem with the desktop version.

Problem Solver


502 Messages

5 years ago

I updated and saved but it didn’t work. Someone just called back and updated it for me. I was asked to be “extra patient” and give it 24 hours to update.



277 Messages

5 years ago

The instructions are based on the desktop version, both are similar.


Be sure to SAVE your entry, by clicking on the save button

Problem Solver


502 Messages

5 years ago

No it wasn’t a solution. I checked this morning and the mobile app still says update your card. I’ve used Xfinity services for over 20 years and in those 20 years they still haven’t gotten their act together. I decided to just pay before the direct debit date. The system only wants a card number no checking account data. I paid with my updated card and checked use this as default payment and remove the other. My iPhone app says no balance due but my card needs updated. Im sick of this disorganization. Our contract was up last October and we need new phones. It’s time to move on I have more important things in my life to do than wrestle with a non working computer system. Xfinity if you’re reading this please fix my account. I’m done.

Problem Solver


502 Messages

5 years ago

I updated the mobile website. I logged in and paid my bill with my new card and checked save this as default payment method and remove the other. The app on my iPhone still says my card needs updated. There is nothing else I can do. I’ll just pay before the direct debit date until my husband and I decide which phones and mobile company we want. As expensive as Verizon is, we never had a problem with payment. Our credit scores are high we own our own home. It’s just stupid to do things the way they do. I’ve been a customer of Comcast since they took over from Bethel Cable. When I go to my account I click on the mobile phone icon and it takes me there. I have every service Xfinity offers including home security. There shouldn’t be a problem with my payment method.



277 Messages

5 years ago

Did you update the mobile site or the cable one you have to do both!



277 Messages

5 years ago

The numbers you call are seperate for mobile and cable

Problem Solver


502 Messages

5 years ago

A few hourS after I made a one time payment with my new card the message stopped showing up that my card needed updated. I received an email that I updated my payment card. That didn’t even work when a tech did it on the website. I can only guess it was due to one of the always occurring problems with Xfinity. I still don’t understand why they won’t accept a checking account number. I’ve paid that way for 20 years with my triple play and never had a problem.



277 Messages

5 years ago

FWIW, I have no problem with the desktop site or XM.

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