

3 Messages

Friday, May 19th, 2023 7:45 PM


Tier 3 support resolution timeframes

I have an issue where Xfinity application (website and instore tablets) will not allow me to upgrade my mobile device on my existing line because for some reason Xfinity system thinks I don't have an existing line even though I have been an Xfinity mobile customer for nearly 3 years and have a Xfinity mobile account number.  I went to the local Xfinity store where they called in the issue to Xfinity support on May 12 to correct the issue.  My understanding it went to Tier 3 support.  It is now a week later and the issue is still unresolved.  I called the Xfinity mobile support number and the only information I get is that the issue remains pending with Tier 3.  I get no information on when this issue will be addressed.  As a former IT guy I know tickets have priorities and also a timeframe for resolution yet I get no information at all on when this will be fixed.  I am guessing there is some field on my account record that is incorrectly checked or not checked.  I find this very frustrating as a customer not to be provided any information on estimated time to resolve.  I do want to take advantage of the current promotion I received to upgrade but that will expire in a few more weeks.  I had been happy with Xfinity mobile up until this point but this issue is starting to change my perspective.  If anyone from Xfinity monitors this board please provide any insight on how I can help move my issue along within Xfinity tech support. 

New Problem Solver


617 Messages

1 year ago




We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and share this issue with us! We know that getting this ticket resolved so that you can take advantage of this promotion is always important. 


Through this platform, we regretfully do not have access to your mobile account, and this is something that needs to be addressed by one of our mobile experts. Have you attempted to reach out via chat? You can do so by using the following link. xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile



3 Messages


Thanks for the reply and I will try the chat option but in all honesty I have low expectations that will lead to anything.  In my experience in IT and service desk operations the person that handles Chat is basically the same level of people (level1) that handle the service desk calls (the Xfinity mobile support desk number).  I have called the mobile support number multiple times and all they say and can do is tell me the ticket is with Tier 3 and is pending.  Yikes.

Problem Solver


1.4K Messages

@user_47b8fc If you are still not getting the needed assistance through the chat option, lease send a private message by clicking the direct messaging chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



3 Messages


I did finally get my issue resolved.  It just took getting to a representative that was willing and able to take action which was to cancel the existing Tier 3 support ticket which was still in Pending state after a week and a half and create a new ticket along with him talking with Tier 3 to get a resolution timeframe.   He even provided me the ticket number.  So after multiple calls it was resolved.  It just took getting to the right representative.  Thanks for following up. 

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