Regular Visitor
12 Messages
security pin for porting out
Why is this such an issue. I've seen several posts on it and it seems that getting a pin to port out doesn't ever actually send an sms pin. I get that nobody wants to custumers leave, but Xfinity Mobile doesn't automatically unlock a phone after it's paid for like the documentation says and now the pin need to move a number to someone else is more of a challenge to get than it should be. Though I swear back when there was a separate app for Xfinity Mobile instead of one app for all it would send the pin.
1 Message
8 months ago
Agreed. I just spent 90 minutes on the phone and still have no pin and they expect me to drive to a store. Never again will I use comcast for anything if I ever get out! Uggh,
Regular Visitor
12 Messages
8 months ago
As a follow-up to this, getting a pin magically worked recently and everything went smoothly.